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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing E, 3R, S and V

CARRYOVERScarryovers n. Plural of carryover.
CARRYOVER n. in accounting, a payment carried over to the next accounting period.
OVERRIDERSoverriders n. Plural of overrider.
OVERRIDER n. either of two projecting pieces fitted to the bumper of a motor vehicle for extra protection to the bodywork.
OVERRULERSoverrulers n. Plural of overruler.
OVERRULER n. one who overrules.
PERFERVORSPERFERVOR n. a state of great fervour, also PERFERVOUR.
PERVERTERSperverters n. Plural of perverter.
PERVERTER n. one who perverts.
PRESERVERSpreservers n. Plural of preserver.
PRESERVER n. one who preserves.
RECOVERERSrecoverers n. Plural of recoverer.
RECOVERER n. one who recovers.
RECOVERORSrecoverors n. Plural of recoveror.
RECOVEROR n. the demandant in a common recovery after judgment.
REPRIEVERSREPRIEVER n. one who reprieves.
RESERVOIRSreservoirs n. Plural of reservoir.
RESERVOIR v. to keep as in a reservoir, store.
RETRIEVERSretrievers n. Plural of retriever.
RETRIEVER n. one of a breed of large gun dogs that can be trained to retrieve game.
RETROVERSEretroverse adj. Arranged in a backwards or reverse manner.
RETROVERSE adj. turned backwards.
RETROVERTSretroverts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of retrovert.
RETROVERT v. to turn back.
RETROVIRUSretrovirus n. (Virology) Any of a group of viruses which insert a copy of their RNA genome into the DNA of a host…
retrovirus n. (Computer security) A computer virus that seeks to attack antivirus programs in an attempt to avoid detection.
RETROVIRUS n. any of a group of viruses whose genetic material is encoded in the form of RNA rather than DNA.
RIVERWARDSriverwards adv. Synonym of riverward.
RIVERWARDS adv. towards a river, also RIVERWARD.
ROOTSERVERROOTSERVER n. a computer that acts as the main server for a whole service.
TRAVERSERStraversers n. Plural of traverser.
TRAVERSER n. one who traverses.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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