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There are 20 ten-letter words containing E, Q, 2R, T and U

FREQUENTERfrequenter n. A person who frequents; a regular visitor.
frequenter adj. (Rare) comparative form of frequent: more frequent.
FREQUENTER n. one who frequents.
GROTESQUERgrotesquer adj. Comparative form of grotesque: more grotesque.
GROTESQUE adj. (French) extravagantly formed, fantastic; bizarre.
PARROQUETSparroquets n. Plural of parroquet.
QUADRATUREquadrature n. The process of making something square; squaring.
quadrature n. (Mathematics) The act or process of constructing a square that has the same area as a given plane figure…
quadrature n. (Mathematics, numerical analysis) The calculation of a definite integral by numerical means.
QUARTERAGEquarterage n. A quarterly payment or allowance, tax, pension, or wage paid or received.
quarterage n. The provision of quarters (as for troops), or the cost of it.
QUARTERAGE n. a quarterly allowance.
QUARTERERSquarterers n. Plural of quarterer.
QUARTERER n. one who quarters.
QUARTERINGquartering v. Present participle of quarter.
quartering n. A division into four parts.
quartering n. The act of providing housing for military personnel, especially when imposed upon the home of a private citizen.
QUARTERSAWquartersaw v. (Woodworking) Cut radially (towards the heart of the log), at right angles to the growth rings, for…
quarter-saw v. Alternative spelling of quartersaw.
quarter␣saw v. Alternative spelling of quartersaw.
QUATERNARYquaternary adj. Of fourth rank or order.
quaternary adj. Of a mathematical expression containing e.g. x4.
quaternary adj. Relating to or in number base four.
QUERCITRONquercitron n. A yellow dye obtained from the bark of the black oak.
quercitron n. The black oak tree, Quercus velutina, indigenous to North America.
QUERCITRON n. a North American oak, the dyer's oak; its inner bark, a source of quercetin and flavin.
QUIRISTERSquiristers n. Plural of quirister.
QUIRISTER n. a member of a choir, also CHORALIST, CHORIST, CHORISTER.
REQUESTERSrequesters n. Plural of requester.
REQUESTER n. one who requests, also REQUESTOR.
REQUESTORSrequestors n. Plural of requestor.
REQUESTOR n. one who requests, also REQUESTER.
REQUISITORrequisitor n. One who makes requisition; especially, one authorized by a requisition to investigate facts.
REQUISITOR n. one who makes requisition; esp. one authorized by a requisition to investigate facts.
ROQUEFORTSRoqueforts n. Plural of Roquefort.
ROQUEFORT n. (French) a kind of French cheese.
TRANQUILERtranquiler adj. Comparative form of tranquil: more tranquil.
TRANQUIL adj. calm, peaceful.
TRIQUETRAEtriquetrae n. Plural of triquetra.
TRIQUETRA n. (Latin) a symmetrical triangular ornament formed of three interlaced arcs or lobes.
TRIQUETRALtriquetral adj. Three-cornered.
triquetral n. (Anatomy) The triquetral bone.
TRIQUETRAL adj. triangular; three-edged with concave faces, also TRIQUETROUS.
TRIQUETRAStriquetras n. Plural of triquetra.
TRIQUETRA n. (Latin) a symmetrical triangular ornament formed of three interlaced arcs or lobes.
TRIQUETRUMtriquetrum n. (Anatomy) The triquetral bone.
triquetrum n. (Astronomy) An astronomical instrument.
TRIQUETRUM n. one of the bones of the carpus.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 77 words
  • Scrabble in French: 165 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 75 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 32 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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