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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing E, N, P, 2R and Y

COPARTNERYcopartnery n. The state of being copartners in any undertaking.
COPARTNERY n. the state of being copartners in any undertaking.
CYBERPORNSCYBERPORN n. pornography on the Internet.
GRANOPHYREgranophyre n. A subvolcanic rock with angular intergrowths of quartz and alkali feldspar.
GRANOPHYRE n. a kind of quartz-porphyry.
INTERPARTYinterparty adj. Between political parties.
INTERPARTY adj. between parties.
PERIKARYONperikaryon n. The cell body of a neuron or of an odontoblast.
PERIKARYON n. the cell body of a neuron containing the nucleus.
PREBENDARYprebendary n. An honorary canon of a cathedral or collegiate church.
prebendary adj. Pertaining to the office or person of a prebendary; prebendal.
prebendary adj. Of or relating to official positions that are profitable for the incumbent, to the allocation of such…
PREDENTARYpredentary n. An extension to the dentary in the jawbone of some dinosaurs.
PREDENTARY adj. designating a bone situated in front of the dentary bone in some non-mammalian vertebrates (esp. ornithischian dinosaurs).
PREHENSORYprehensory adj. Adapted to seize or grasp; prehensile.
PREHENSORY adj. adapted to seize or grasp; prehensile, also PREHENSILE, PREHENSIVE, PREHENSORIAL.
PRURIENTLYpruriently adv. In a prurient manner.
PRURIENT adv. having lustful thoughts or desires.
PYRENOCARPPYRENOCARP n. a perithecium, a small fruiting body containing ascospores.
PYRETHRINSpyrethrins n. Plural of pyrethrin.
PYRETHRIN n. either of two insecticidal oily esters prepared from pyrethrum flowers.
PYROMANCERpyromancer n. One who performs pyromancy.
pyromancer n. (Fantasy) One who has a magical ability to conjure or control fire.
PYROMANCER n. one who engages in pyromancy, divination by the use of fire.
PYRRHOTINEpyrrhotine n. (Mineralogy) pyrrhotite.
PYRRHOTINE n. magnetic pyrites, an iron sulphide, often containing nickel, also PYRRHOTITE.
RENOGRAPHYrenography n. Imaging of the kidney.
RENOGRAPHY n. a treatise on or description of the kidneys.
RESPONSORYresponsory n. A chant or anthem recited after a reading in a church service.
responsory n. A book of liturgical responses; a responsorial.
responsory adj. Containing or making answer; answering.
RESPRAYINGrespraying v. Present participle of respray.
respraying n. A second or subsequent spraying.
RESPRAY v. to spray again.
UNPROPERLYunproperly adv. In an unproper manner; not properly.
UNPROPER adv. improper.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 67 words
  • Scrabble in French: 15 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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