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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing E, N, O, P and 2U

EUPHONIOUSeuphonious adj. Of sounds, especially speech: demonstrating or possessing euphony; agreeable to the ear; pleasant-sounding.
EUPHONIOUS adj. agreeable in sound, also EUPHONIC, EUPHONICAL.
EUPHONIUMSeuphoniums n. Plural of euphonium.
EUPHONIUM n. a musical instrument like a tuba but with somewhat higher pitch.
OUTPUNCHEDoutpunched v. Simple past tense and past participle of outpunch.
OUTPUNCH v. to surpass in punching.
OUTPUNCHESoutpunches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outpunch.
OUTPUNCH v. to surpass in punching.
PENUMBROUSpenumbrous adj. Partially shaded.
penumbrous adj. Vague; ill-defined; unclear.
PENUMBROUS adj. relating to penumbra, partial shade.
PLUNDEROUSplunderous adj. Tending to plunder.
PLUNDEROUS adj. of or like plunder.
PRONUCLEUSpronucleus n. Either of the two haploid nuclei (of a sperm and ovum) that fuse during fertilization.
PRONUCLEUS n. the nucleus of a germ-cell after meiosis and before fertilization.
STUPENDOUSstupendous adj. Astonishingly great or large; huge; enormous.
stupendous adj. Of stunning excellence or degree; marvelous.
STUPENDOUS adj. causing astonishment or wonder, also STUPENDIOUS.
SUPERSOUNDsupersound n. Ultrasonic sound.
SUPERSOUND n. sound vibrations too rapid to be audible.
UNCOUPLERSuncouplers n. Plural of uncoupler.
UNCOUPLER n. a device for uncoupling.
UNOCCUPIEDunoccupied adj. (Of a house etc) Not inhabited, especially by a tenant.
unoccupied adj. Not being used; vacant or free.
unoccupied adj. Not employed on a task; idle.
UNPERILOUSunperilous adj. Not perilous.
UNPERILOUS adj. not perilous.
UNPLOUGHEDunploughed adj. (Of a field or land) Unturned with a plough, and thus retaining its original vegetation (usually grass).
unploughed adj. (Figuratively) Unexplored or unknown.
UNPLOUGHED adj. not ploughed.
UNPOLLUTEDunpolluted adj. Not polluted; uncontaminated.
unpolluted v. Simple past tense and past participle of unpollute.
UNPOLLUTED adj. not polluted.
UNPRODUCEDunproduced adj. (Not comparable) Not having been produced.
unproduced adj. (Music) Recording the music directly, with a minimum of overdubs, effects and other processing.
UNPRODUCED adj. not produced.
UNPURPOSEDunpurposed adj. Without purpose.
unpurposed adj. Not deliberate.
UNPURPOSED adj. without a purpose.
UPBUOYANCEupbuoyance n. (Rare) The act of buoying up; uplifting.
UPBUOYANCE n. the act of buoying up.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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