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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing E, 2M, P, S and T

EMMETROPESemmetropes n. Plural of emmetrope.
EMMETROPE n. a person showing emmetropia, correct refraction of light by the eyes.
EMPLASTRUMEMPLASTRUM n. a medicated plaster, also EMPLASTRON.
EMPLECTUMSEMPLECTUM n. (archaic) ashlar masonry filled up with rubble, also EMPLECTON.
IMPLEMENTSimplements n. Plural of implement.
implements v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of implement.
IMPLEMENT v. to put into practice.
IMPOSTHUMEimposthume n. (Obsolete) An abscess.
imposthume n. (Obsolete) A person suffering from an abscess.
imposthume v. (Obsolete, intransitive) To form an abscess.
IMPOSTUMEDimpostumed v. Simple past tense and past participle of impostume.
IMPOSTUMED adj. having an impostume, an abscess, also IMPOSTHUMED.
IMPOSTUMESimpostumes n. Plural of impostume.
IMPOSTUME n. (archaic) an abscess, also IMPOSTHUME.
JUMPMASTERjumpmaster n. One who supervises the jumping of paratroopers or other parachutists from an aeroplane.
MEPHITISMSmephitisms n. Plural of mephitism.
MEPHITISM n. poisoning by mephitis.
METAPLASMSmetaplasms n. Plural of metaplasm.
METAPLASM n. the alteration of a word by adding, subtracting, or transposing letters or syllables e.g. saying 'relator' for 'realtor'.
MISCOMPUTEmiscompute n. An erroneous computation.
miscompute v. To compute erroneously.
MISCOMPUTE v. to compute erroneously.
MISSTAMPEDmisstamped v. Simple past tense and past participle of misstamp.
MISSTAMP v. to stamp wrongly.
MISTEMPERSmistempers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of mistemper.
MISTEMPER v. (obsolete) to temper ill; to disorder.
PANTOMIMESpantomimes n. Plural of pantomime.
pantomimes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pantomime.
PANTOMIME v. to portray or communicate by exaggerated silent gestures or expressions.
POSTMORTEMpostmortem n. Alternative spelling of post mortem.
post-mortem adj. Alternative spelling of post mortem.
post-mortem n. Alternative spelling of post mortem.
PRESUMMITSPRESUMMIT n. a meeting held prior to a summit.
SPERMATIUMspermatium n. One of the motionless spermatozoids in the conceptacles of certain fungi.
SPERMATIUM n. one of the motionless spermatozoids in the conceptacles of certain fungi.
STIMPMETERStimpmeter n. (Golf) A device that measures the speed of a golf course’s putting green by applying a known force to…
STIMPMETER n. a device that measures the speed of a putting green by propelling a golf ball down a ramp at a standard initial velocity and measuring how far it travels.
TEMAZEPAMStemazepams n. Plural of temazepam.
TEMAZEPAM n. a drug used to treat insomnia.
TIMESTAMPStimestamps n. Plural of timestamp.
timestamps v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of timestamp.
time-stamps n. Plural of time-stamp.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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