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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing E, L, N, 2S and Z

BLOWZINESSblowziness n. Alternative form of blowsiness.
BLOWZINESS n. the state of being blowzy, also BLOWSINESS.
FIZZENLESSfizzenless adj. (Scotland) Lacking force or energy; lethargic.
GLITZINESSglitziness n. The quality of being glitzy.
GLITZINESS n. the quality of being glitzy.
KLUTZINESSklutziness n. The quality of being klutzy, or being a klutz.
KLUTZINESS n. being like a klutz, clumsiness.
LAZINESSESlazinesses n. Plural of laziness.
LAZINESS n. the state of being lazy.
OZONOLYSESozonolyses n. Plural of ozonolysis.
OZONOLYSIS n. the process of treating an organic compound with ozone to form an ozonide, used to locate double bonds in molecules.
SCHNITZELSschnitzels n. Plural of schnitzel.
SCHNITZEL n. (German) a thin veal cutlet fried in butter.
SCHNOZZLESschnozzles n. Plural of schnozzle.
SCHNOZZLE n. (Yiddish) nose, also SCHNOZ, SCHNOZZ.
SENSUALIZEsensualize v. (Transitive) To make sensual; to subject to the love of sensual pleasure; to debase by carnal gratifications.
SENSUALIZE v. to make sensual, also SENSUALISE.
SIGNALIZESsignalizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of signalize.
SIGNALIZE v. to make signal or eminent; to distinguish, also SIGNALISE.
SLEAZINESSsleaziness n. The property of being sleazy.
SLEAZINESS n. the state of being sleazy.
SLOGANIZESsloganizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of sloganize.
SLOGANIZE v. to utter or repeat slogans, also SLOGANISE.
SNEEZELESSsneezeless adj. Without a sneeze.
SNEEZELESS adj. without a sneeze.
SOLEMNIZESsolemnizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of solemnize.
SOLEMNIZE v. to make solemn, also SOLEMNISE.
SOLONETZESsolonetzes n. Plural of solonetz.
SOLONETZ n. (Russian) a type of soil, also SOLONETS.
ZINCOLYSESZINCOLYSIS n. (obsolete) electrolysis.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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