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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 12 ten-letter words containing E, L, N, R, U and Z

JOURNALIZEjournalize v. (Transitive) To record in a journal.
journalize v. (Intransitive) To write in a journal; to keep a journal.
JOURNALIZE v. to enter or record in a journal or diary, also JOURNALISE.
NATURALIZEnaturalize v. To grant citizenship to someone not born a citizen.
naturalize v. To acclimatize an animal or plant.
naturalize v. To make natural.
NEBULIZERSnebulizers n. Plural of nebulizer.
NEBULIZER n. a spraying apparatus, an atomiser, also NEBULISER.
NEUTRALIZEneutralize v. (Transitive) To make even, inactive or ineffective.
neutralize v. (Transitive) To make (A territory, etc.) politically neutral.
neutralize v. (Transitive, chemistry) To make (an acidic or alkaline substance) chemically neutral.
NUCLEARIZEnuclearize v. (Transitive) To arm with nuclear weapons.
NUCLEARIZE v. to make nuclear; to fit nuclear weapons, also NUCLEARISE.
REGULIZINGregulizing v. Present participle of regulize.
REGULIZE v. to reduce to regulus, also REGULISE.
UNDERGLAZEunderglaze n. A decorative slip applied to the surface of pottery before glazing.
underglaze v. To apply a decorative slip to the surface of pottery before glazing.
UNDERGLAZE n. in pottery, a glaze put on before the main glaze.
UNPRIZABLEunprizable adj. (Obsolete) Not prized or valued; without value; not worth capturing.
unprizable adj. (Obsolete) Invaluable; whose value is beyond estimation.
UNPRIZABLE adj. (Shakespeare) worthless.
UNREALIZEDunrealized adj. Not realized; possible to obtain or achieve, yet not obtained or achieved.
UNREALIZE v. to divest of reality, also UNREALISE.
UNREALIZESunrealizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unrealize.
UNREALIZE v. to divest of reality, also UNREALISE.
VULCANIZERvulcanizer n. Equipment used for the vulcanization of rubber.
vulcanizer n. A substance (such as sulfur) added to rubber during this process.
vulcanizer n. A person employed to vulcanize rubber.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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