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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing E, L, 3N and O

CANNELLONIcannelloni n. Wide tubes of pasta filled with a savoury stuffing and baked in the oven.
CANNELLONI n. (Italian) a kind of pasta.
ENFELONINGENFELON v. (Spenser) to make fierce.
ENNEAGONALenneagonal adj. (Geometry) In the form of an enneagon; having nine angles.
ENNEAGONAL adj. belonging to an enneagon; having nine angles.
ENNEATHLONENNEATHLON n. an athletic contest in which each athlete competes in nine events.
INNOCENTLYinnocently adv. In an innocent manner.
INNOCENT adv. free from moral wrong.
NANDROLONEnandrolone n. (Pharmacology) A semisynthetic anabolic steroid C18H26O2 derived from testosterone that is used in the…
NANDROLONE n. an androgenic anabolic steroid that is illegally used as a performance-enhancing drug by some athletes.
NONALIGNEDnonaligned adj. Not allied with any particular nation, or to any side in a dispute.
nonaligned adj. Neutral, impartial.
non-aligned adj. Alternative spelling of nonaligned.
NONCENTRALnoncentral adj. Not central.
NONCENTRAL adj. not central.
NONFLUENCYnonfluency n. Lack of fluency; some period of nonfluent speech caused by a stammer, etc.
NONFLUENCY n. an absence of fluency.
NONGENITALnongenital adj. Not genital.
NONGENITAL adj. not genital.
NONNUCLEARnonnuclear adj. Not having nuclear weapons.
nonnuclear adj. (Of weapons) Not carrying a nuclear warhead; conventional.
NONNUCLEAR adj. not nuclear.
NONRENEWALnonrenewal n. Failure to renew.
NONRENEWAL n. the fact or act of not renewing.
NONSALINESSorry, definition not available.
NONSOLVENTnonsolvent adj. Insolvent.
nonsolvent n. An insolvent person.
nonsolvent n. (Chemistry) A liquid that is not a (very good) solvent.
NONVIOLENTnonviolent adj. Not violent; without violence; following a philosophy of nonviolence; the opposite of violent.
non-violent adj. (Of a deed, event etc.) Without violence.
non-violent adj. (Of a person or movement) Opposed to violence.
PENNILLIONpennillion n. Plural of pennill.
PENNILL n. (Welsh) a verse or stanza in Welsh poetry, also PENILL.
PENNONCELSpennoncels n. Plural of pennoncel.
PENNONCEL n. a small flag like a pennon, also PENNONCELLE, PENONCEL, PENONCELLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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