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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing E, L, M, 2N and R

ENROLLMENTenrollment n. The act of enrolling or the state of being enrolled.
enrollment n. The people enrolled, considered as a group.
enrollment n. The number of people enrolled.
ENROLMENTSenrolments n. Plural of enrolment.
ENROLMENT n. the act of enrolling, also ENROLLMENT.
FUNNELFORMfunnelform adj. Having the shape of a funnel.
FUNNELFORM adj. having the form of a funnel.
KERNMANTELKERNMANTEL adj. denoting a type of mountaineering rope.
LAUNDRYMENlaundrymen n. Plural of laundryman.
LAUNDRYMAN n. a man who is a laundry worker.
MAINLANDERmainlander n. Someone who lives on the mainland.
mainlander n. A person from mainland China, as opposed to someone from Hong Kong, Macau or Taiwan.
mainlander n. Someone who lives in mainland Europe, as opposed to the British Isles.
MAINLINERSmainliners n. Plural of mainliner.
MAINLINER n. one who takes a narcotic intravenously.
MANNERLESSmannerless adj. Lacking good manners; impolite; ill-bred.
mannerless adj. Clumsy; graceless.
MANNERLESS adj. without manners.
NONPROBLEMnonproblem n. That which is not a problem.
NONPROBLEM n. something that is not a problem.
NONTHERMALnonthermal adj. Not thermal; not produced by heat.
NONTHERMAL adj. not thermal.
ORNAMENTALornamental adj. Serving as an ornament; having no purpose other than to make more beautiful.
ornamental adj. (Of a plant, fish, etc.) Bred for aesthetic or decorative purposes.
ornamental n. An ornamental plant.
PRENOMINALprenominal adj. (Grammar) That is placed before a noun.
prenominal n. Such a word.
prenominal adj. Uncommon form of praenominal.
RELENTMENTrelentment n. The act of relenting, softening.
RELENTMENT n. the act of relenting.
RELUMININGrelumining v. Present participle of relumine.
RELUMINE v. to light again, also RELUME.
UNMANNERLYunmannerly adj. (Also figuratively) Not mannerly (“polite; having good manners”).
unmannerly adv. (Archaic) In a way that is not mannerly; discourteously, rudely.
UNMANNERLY adj. not mannerly.
UNMATERNALunmaternal adj. Not maternal; not befitting a mother.
UNMATERNAL adj. not maternal.
UNRULIMENTunruliment n. (Obsolete, nonce word) Unruliness.
UNRULIMENT n. (Spenser) unruliness.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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