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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing E, 2L, P and 2R

ARPILLERASarpilleras n. Plural of arpillera.
ARPILLERA n. (Spanish) a pictorial Peruvian wall decoration consisting of colourful threads and scraps stitched on to a sackcloth backing.
CARPELLARYcarpellary adj. (Botany) Of or pertaining to carpels.
CARPELLARY adj. belonging to, forming, or containing carpels.
PALLBEARERpallbearer n. (Archaic) One who carries a corner of the pall over a coffin or casket.
pallbearer n. One called upon to carry or bear the casket at a funeral.
PALLBEARER n. a person who helps to carry the coffin at a funeral.
PATROLLERSpatrollers n. Plural of patroller.
PATROLLER n. one who patrols.
PLURALISERPLURALISER n. one who pluralises, also PLURALIZER.
PLURALIZERpluralizer n. A pluralist; a clergyman who holds multiple offices.
PLURALIZER n. one who pluralizes, also PLURALISER.
PREDRILLEDpredrilled v. Simple past tense and past participle of predrill.
PREDRILL v. to drill beforehand.
PROPELLERSpropellers n. Plural of propeller.
PROPELLER n. someone who, or something which, propels, also PROPELLOR.
PROPELLORSpropellors n. Plural of propellor.
PROPELLOR n. someone who, or something which, propels, also PROPELLER.
TROLLOPIERTROLLOPY adj. like a trollop.
WIREPULLERwirepuller n. A person who exercises an influence on others that is felt but not seen.
Wirepuller n. Someone from Warrington.
WIREPULLER n. a person who uses private or secret influence for his own ends.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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