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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 9 ten-letter words containing E, 3L, R and T

COLLATERALcollateral adj. Parallel, along the same vein, side by side.
collateral adj. Corresponding; accompanying, concomitant.
collateral adj. Being aside from the main subject, target, or goal.
LATERALLEDlateralled v. Simple past tense and past participle of lateral.
LATERAL v. to throw a sideways pass in football.
MILLILITERmilliliter n. (American spelling) Alternative form of millilitre.
MILLILITER n. a thousandth of a litre, also MILLILITRE.
MILLILITREmillilitre n. (British spelling) A unit of measure of capacity, being one thousandth of a litre. Symbol: ml.
MILLILITRE n. a thousandth part of a litre, also MILLILITER.
SALTARELLIsaltarelli n. Plural of saltarello.
SALTARELLO n. (Italian) a lively Italian dance.
SALTARELLOsaltarello n. A lively medieval Italian dance with a leaping step.
saltarello n. The music for such a dance.
SALTARELLO n. (Italian) a lively Italian dance.
SALTCELLARsaltcellar n. Alternative form of salt cellar.
salt-cellar n. Alternative form of salt cellar.
salt␣cellar n. A small open container holding salt for use in the kitchen or on a dining table.
TALETELLERtaleteller n. A person who tells tales.
TALETELLER n. a teller of tales.
TILLERLESStillerless adj. (Nautical) Without a tiller.
tillerless adj. (Botany) Without tillers, or shoots.
TILLERLESS adj. without a tiller.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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