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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing E, I, N, T and 2V

ADVENTIVESadventives n. Plural of adventive.
ADVENTIVE n. a thing or person coming from outside.
CONVECTIVEconvective adj. Of, pertaining to, or employing convection; convectional.
CONVECTIVE adj. relating to convection, also CONVECTIONAL.
CONVERTIVECONVERTIVE adj. relating to conversion.
CONVICTIVEconvictive adj. Convincing.
CONVICTIVE adj. convincing.
ENERVATIVEenervative adj. Causing enervation.
ENERVATIVE adj. having power, or a tendency, to enervate.
INNOVATIVEinnovative adj. Characterized by the creation of new ideas or inventions.
innovative adj. Forward-looking; ahead of current thinking.
INNOVATIVE adj. characterized by innovation.
INTERVOLVEintervolve v. (Rare) To involve one with another.
intervolve v. (Rare) To twist or coil together.
INTERVOLVE v. to roll up or entwine with one another.
INVECTIVESinvectives n. Plural of invective.
INVECTIVE n. an attack with words; abusive language.
INVOCATIVEINVOCATIVE adj. serving to invoke.
OVERINVESToverinvest v. To invest an excessive amount.
OVERVOTINGovervoting v. Present participle of overvote.
OVERVOTE v. to defeat by a majority of votes.
PREVENTIVEpreventive adj. Preventing, hindering, or acting as an obstacle to.
preventive adj. Carried out to deter military aggression.
preventive adj. Slowing the development of an illness; prophylactic.
RENOVATIVErenovative adj. Relating to renovation.
RENOVATIVE adj. serving to renovate.
REVIVEMENTrevivement n. (Obsolete) revival.
REVIVEMENT n. the act of reviving.
VELVETINGSvelvetings n. Plural of velveting.
VELVETING n. velvet material.
VENERATIVEvenerative adj. Of or relating to veneration.
VENERATIVE adj. of or relating to veneration or worship.
VINDICTIVEvindictive adj. Having a tendency to seek revenge when wronged, vengeful.
vindictive adj. (Obsolete) punitive.
VINDICTIVE adj. disposed to seek revenge.
VIVIANITESvivianites n. Plural of vivianite.
VIVIANITE n. ferrous phosphate, blue by oxidation, often found coating fossil fishes and bones.
VOTIVENESSvotiveness n. The quality of being votive.
VOTIVENESS n. the state of being votive.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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