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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing E, I, N, 2O and Y

COENOCYTICcoenocytic adj. Relating to coenocytes or to coenocysts.
COENOCYTIC adj. of or like a coenocyte, a multinucleate unicellular organism in slime molds, fungi and algae.
CRYOCONITEcryoconite n. (Geology) Dark silt accumulating mainly from airborne volcanic sediment or soot from artificial pollution…
CRYOCONITE n. dust found on the surface of polar ice.
DISECONOMYdiseconomy n. (Economics) A financial drawback or cost arising from a process.
DISECONOMY n. lack of economy; a factor responsible for an increase in cost.
GONIOMETRYgoniometry n. Measurement of angles.
GONIOMETRY n. the art of measuring angles; trigonometry.
GOONEYBIRDgooney␣bird n. Any of several albatrosses, especially the black-footed albatross (Phoebastria nigripes) and the Laysan…
gooney␣bird n. (Slang) a foolish, silly, or awkward person or thing; a goon.
GOONEYBIRD n. an albatross.
HERNIOTOMYherniotomy n. (Surgery) Surgical repair of a hernia.
HERNIOTOMY n. a cutting for the cure or relief of hernia.
HOLOGYNIESHOLOGYNY n. a trait transmitted only in the female line.
HOMONYMIEShomonymies n. Plural of homonymy.
HOMONYMY n. the state of being a homonym.
ICONOMETRYiconometry n. The measurement of icons and their proportions etc., in religious art.
ICONOMETRY n. measurement by iconometer.
MEROMYOSINmeromyosin n. (Biochemistry) Either of the two subunits of myosin that are formed by the action of trypsin.
MEROMYOSIN n. protein subunits of myosin molecule.
MONOGYNIESmonogynies n. Plural of monogyny.
MONOGYNY n. the condition of having one wife at a time.
ONEIROLOGYoneirology n. The study of dreams and their interpretation.
ONEIROLOGY n. the study of dreams.
OVERJOYINGoverjoying v. Present participle of overjoy.
OVERJOY v. to fill with great joy.
POLYGONIESpolygonies n. Plural of polygony.
POLYGONY n. (Spenser) the plant bistort.
POLYOLEFINpolyolefin n. (Chemistry) A polymer (such as polyethylene) made by the polymerization of an olefin.
polyolefin n. (Chemistry) A polyene.
POLYOLEFIN n. a polymer of an alkene (as polyethylene).
PYROXENOIDpyroxenoid n. (Mineralogy) any of a large group of minerals physically resembling pyroxene.
PYROXENOID n. a mineral like pyroxene, a common mineral occurring in monoclinic crystals.
SEMICOLONYsemi-colony n. (Marxism) A country which is officially an independent and sovereign nation, but in reality dependent…
SEMICOLONY n. a semicolonial state.
SYNOECIOUSsynoecious adj. (Botany) With male and female organs in the same structure.
synoecious adj. Unisex.
SYNOECIOUS adj. having antheridia and archegonia in the same group, also SYNOICOUS.
TOPONYMIEStoponymies n. Plural of toponymy.
TOPONYMY n. the study of toponyms.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 130 words
  • Scrabble in French: 45 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 2 words

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