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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing E, I, M and 3R

INFIRMARERinfirmarer n. (Archaic, historical) One who took care of the sick, especially in a medieval monastery or nunnery; physician.
INFIRMARER n. an officer in a mediaeval monastery who was in charge of the infirmary, also INFIRMARIAN.
INTERMARRYintermarry v. To marry a member of another group, social stratum, or religion.
intermarry v. To marry within the same ethnic, social, or family group.
INTERMARRY v. to marry each other.
MERCERISERMERCERISER n. one who mercerises, also MERCERIZER.
MERCERIZERMERCERIZER n. one who mercerizes, also MERCERISER.
MIRRORLIKEmirrorlike adj. Resembling a mirror; reflective.
mirror-like adj. Alternative form of mirrorlike.
MIRRORLIKE adj. like a mirror.
MIRRORWISEmirrorwise adv. In the manner of a mirror reflection; reversed.
MIRRORWISE adv. in the fashion of a mirror.
PREPRIMARYpreprimary adj. Pertaining to, or taking place in the time before a primary election.
preprimary adj. Before primary education.
preprimary n. An election that takes place before a primary election.
PRIMROSIERPRIMROSY adj. full of primroses.
REIMBURSERreimburser n. One who reimburses.
REIMBURSER n. one who reimburses.
REIMPORTERreimporter n. One who reimports.
REIMPORTER n. one who reimports.
REMARRIAGEremarriage n. A second or subsequent marriage.
REMARRIAGE n. the act of marrying again.
REMARRYINGremarrying v. Present participle of remarry.
remarrying n. A marrying again; remarriage.
REMARRY v. to marry again.
TERRARIUMSterrariums n. Plural of terrarium.
TERRARIUM n. (Latin) a glass enclosure for plants.
TERRORISMSterrorisms n. Plural of terrorism.
TERRORISM n. an organized system of violence and intimidation, esp. for political ends.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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