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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing E, 3I, O and P

BIOPOIESISbiopoiesis n. (Biology) abiogenesis.
BIOPOIESIS n. the creation of living from nonliving material as an evolutionary process.
DIPLOIDIESdiploidies n. Plural of diploidy.
DIPLOIDY n. the condition of being a diploid.
EPIDIORITEepidiorite n. A greenish metamorphic rock composed of plagioclase and hornblende.
EPIDIORITE n. a dioritic or gabbroitic rock more or less metamorphosed.
EPILIMNIONepilimnion n. The surface layer of a liquid body, used in reference to a reservoir or body of water.
EPILIMNION n. the upper, warm layer of water in a lake.
EPINICIONSepinicions n. Plural of epinicion.
EPINICION n. (Greek) an ode in honour of a victor or winner, also EPINIKIAN, EPINIKION.
EPINIKIONSEPINIKION n. (Greek) an ode in honour of a victor or winner, also EPINICION, EPINIKIAN.
IMPOLICIESimpolicies n. Plural of impolicy.
IMPOLICY n. an instance of being impolite.
ISOPIESTICisopiestic adj. Having equal pressure; isobaric.
isopiestic n. An isobar.
ISOPIESTIC adj. having equal pressure.
PICHICIEGOpichiciego n. A small, burrowing, South American armadillo (Chlamyphorus truncatus); the pink fairy armadillo.
PICHICIEGO n. (Spanish) a fairy armadillo, esp. the lesser or pink fairy armadillo, also PICHICIAGO.
PILOSITIESpilosities n. Plural of pilosity.
PILOSITY n. the state of being pilose; hairiness.
POLITICISEpoliticise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of politicize.
POLITICISE v. to give a political tone or character to, also POLITICIZE.
POLITICIZEpoliticize v. (Intransitive) To discuss politics.
politicize v. (Transitive) To give something political characteristics; to turn into a political issue.
politicize v. (Transitive) To make someone politically active or aware.
PRIORITIESpriorities n. Plural of priority.
priorities interj. (Informal) An expression, chiefly unfriendly, remarking disagreement with someone else’s order of priorities;…
PRIORITY n. precedence established by importance.
PRIORITISEprioritise v. (British spelling) Alternative form of prioritize.
PRIORITISE v. to assign a priority to, also PRIORITIZE.
PRIORITIZEprioritize v. (Transitive) To value, do, or choose something first, or before other things.
prioritize v. (Transitive, intransitive) To arrange or list a group of things in order of priority or importance.
prioritize v. (Transitive) To rank something as having high priority.
RIPIDOLITEripidolite n. (Mineralogy) A translucent green chlorite mineral of micaceous structure; a hydrous silicate of alumina…
RIPIDOLITE n. a translucent mineral of the chlorite group, aka clinochlore.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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