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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing E, H, 2M, N and S

AMBUSHMENTambushment n. (Obsolete) An ambush.
AMBUSHMENT n. (archaic) an ambush.
BONHOMMIESbonhommies n. Plural of bonhommie.
BONHOMMIE n. (French) good nature; a pleasant and easy manner, also BONHOMIE.
CHUMMINESSchumminess n. The state of being chummy.
CHUMMINESS n. the state of being chummy.
ENMESHMENTenmeshment n. The state of being enmeshed; entanglement.
ENMESHMENT n. the state of being enmeshed.
ENTHYMEMESenthymemes n. Plural of enthymeme.
ENTHYMEME n. an argument of probability only.
FAMISHMENTfamishment n. (Now literary) The state or process of being famished.
famishment n. (Obsolete) Famine.
FAMISHMENT n. the state of being famished.
HAMMERINGShammerings n. Plural of hammering.
HAMMERING n. the act of striking with a hammer.
HEGEMONISMhegemonism n. A policy of hegemony.
HEGEMONISM n. the state of being a hegemony.
HOMONYMIEShomonymies n. Plural of homonymy.
HOMONYMY n. the state of being a homonym.
MECHANISMSmechanisms n. Plural of mechanism.
MECHANISM n. the belief that life is explainable by mechanical forces.
MESENCHYMEmesenchyme n. (Anatomy) That part of the mesoderm of an embryo that develops into connective tissue, bone, cartilage, etc.
MESENCHYME n. the embryonic tissue from which circulatory, lymphatic, skeletal, and connective tissue develop.
MIDSHIPMENmidshipmen n. Plural of midshipman.
MIDSHIPMAN n. formerly, the title of a young officer (originally quartered amidships) entering the navy.
MONORHYMESmonorhymes n. Plural of monorhyme.
MONORHYME n. a series of lines all rhyming together.
MONOTHEISMmonotheism n. The belief in a single deity (one god or goddess); especially within an organized religion.
monotheism n. The belief that God is one person (Judaism, Christianity, Islam), not three persons (Trinitarianism, Hinduism).
mono-theism n. (Nonstandard) Alternative form of monotheism.
MUMCHANCESmumchances n. Plural of mumchance.
MUMCHANCE n. a silent game with cards or dice.
MYTHOMANESMYTHOMANE n. someone who is prone to lie or believe in lies.
NYMPHAEUMSnymphaeums n. Plural of nymphaeum.
NYMPHAEUM n. a temple for nymphs.
SHIMMERINGshimmering v. Present participle of shimmer.
shimmering n. A gleam or glimmer.
SHIMMERING n. a tremulous gleam.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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