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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 8 ten-letter words containing E, H, L, N and 2R

CHRONICLERchronicler n. A person who writes a chronicle or chronicles.
Chronicler prop.n. The presumed author/redactor of the Book of Chronicles and certain other books of the Tanakh.
CHRONICLER n. one who composes a chronicle.
ENTHRALLERenthraller n. A person who enthrals.
ENTHRALLER n. one who enthrals.
FLOWERHORNflowerhorn n. A brightly-coloured ornamental cichlid with a distinctive nuchal hump.
FLOWERHORN adj. as in flowerhorn fish, a brightly coloured cichlid fish with a large protuberance on the head.
GONORRHEALgonorrheal adj. Of, pertaining to, or afflicted with gonorrhoea.
HARDLINERShardliners n. Plural of hardliner.
hard-liners n. Plural of hard-liner.
HARDLINER n. one who takes a hardline.
HERRENVOLKherrenvolk n. A master race, especially with reference to Nazi ideology.
Herrenvolk n. Alternative letter-case form of herrenvolk.
HERRENVOLK n. (German) a master race, a race believing themselves to be fitted to rule the world.
SILVERHORNSILVERHORN n. any of various usually darkish caddis flies of the family Leptoceridae, characterized by very long pale antennae.
XENARTHRALxenarthral adj. (Zoology) Having unusual joints.
XENARTHRAL adj. having additional facets on the dorsolumbar vertebrae, like sloths, anteaters and armadillos.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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