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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing E, 2H, N, R and T

ANTHOPHOREanthophore n. (Botany) The stipe when developed into an internode between calyx and corolla, as in the pink family.
ANTHOPHORE n. the stipe when developed into an internode between calyx and corolla, as in the Pink family.
ANYWHITHERanywhither adv. (Rare) To (in the direction of) anywhere.
ANYWHITHER adv. to or towards any place.
EARTHSHINEearthshine n. (Astronomy) Reflected earthlight visible on the Moon’s night side.
Earthshine n. (Astronomy) Alternative letter-case form of earthshine.
earth-shine n. Alternative spelling of Earthshine.
HEADHUNTERheadhunter n. (Anthropology) A person who practises headhunting, the taking and preserving of a person’s head after killing them.
headhunter n. One who recruits senior personnel for a company.
headhunter n. (Baseball) A pitcher who throws at the batter’s head.
HEIGHTENERheightener n. That which heightens.
HEIGHTENER n. something that heightens.
HENCEFORTHhenceforth adv. (Formal, temporal) From now on; from this time on.
henceforth adv. (In metatextual self-reference) Further within this document.
HENCEFORTH adj. from this point on.
HIEROPHANThierophant n. (Ancient Greece) An ancient Greek priest who interpreted sacred mysteries, especially the priest of…
hierophant n. An interpreter of sacred mysteries or arcane knowledge.
hierophant n. One who explains or makes a commentary.
HUNDREDTHShundredths n. Plural of hundredth.
HUNDREDTH n. a hundredth part.
HYPAETHRONhypaethron n. An open court.
HYPAETHRON n. an open court.
PANTHERISHpantherish adj. Like a panther; catlike.
PANTHERISH adj. like a panther.
RHINOTHECArhinotheca n. The hornlike covering of the upper part of a bird’s beak.
RHINOTHECA n. the sheath of the upper mandible of a bird.
THIRTEENTHthirteenth adj. The ordinal form of the number thirteen.
thirteenth n. The person or thing in the thirteenth position.
thirteenth n. One of thirteen equal parts of a whole.
THORNHEDGETHORNHEDGE n. a hedge of hawthorn.
THRESHINGSthreshings n. Plural of threshing.
THRESHING n. the act of threshing.
UNTHRESHEDunthreshed adj. Not threshed.
UNTHRESHED adj. not threshed.
WHITETHORNwhitethorn n. Crataegus monogyna, a hawthorn species native to Europe, northwest Africa and western Asia.
whitethorn n. Bursaria spinosa, a small Australian shrub.
whitethorn n. Vachellia constricta, formerly Acacia constricta, whitethorn acacia, a shrub in the family Fabaceae.
WHITHERINGwhithering v. Present participle of whither.
WHITHER v. to blow strongly with a roaring sound, also WUTHER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 117 words
  • Scrabble in French: 14 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 6 words

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