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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing E, G, 3O and P

GONIOSCOPEgonioscope n. Any of various instruments allowing a clinician to view the irideocorneal angle through a mirror or prism.
GONIOSCOPE n. an instrument used for examining the structures of the eye between the cornea and the lens that are not directly visible.
GONOPHORESgonophores n. Plural of gonophore.
GONOPHORE n. in certain flowers, an elongate structure bearing the stamens and pistil.
GOOGOLPLEXgoogolplex num. The number 1010100 or 10𝚐𝚘𝚘𝚐𝚘𝚕, ten to the power of a googol.
googolplex num. (Figuratively) A countable number.
googolplex num. (US, real estate, nonstandard, rare) An infinitesimally small portion of land, defined for legal purposes.
GOPHERWOODgopherwood n. Alternative form of gopher wood.
gopher␣wood n. (Biblical) The wood used in the construction of Noah’s Ark - currently unidentified.
GOPHERWOOD n. another name for yellowwood.
OPTOLOGIESOPTOLOGY n. the study of sight.
PODOLOGIESPODOLOGY n. the study of the feet.
POMOLOGIESpomologies n. Plural of pomology.
POMOLOGY n. the study of fruits.
PONEROLOGYponerology n. The study of evil.
PONEROLOGY n. the theological doctrine of wickedness or evil.
POSOLOGIESposologies n. Plural of posology.
POSOLOGY n. a branch of medicine that deals with drug dosages.
SPONGEWOODSPONGEWOOD n. an Indian plant with a pith used in making tropical hats, aka sola.
TOPOLOGIEStopologies n. Plural of topology.
TOPOLOGY n. the branch of mathematics that deals with those properties of figures and surfaces which are independent of size and shape.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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