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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing E, G, L, N, U and V

CULVERTINGculverting v. Present participle of culvert.
CULVERT v. to channel a stream through an arched construction or channel enclosing a drain or watercourse beneath a road, railway, etc.
DIVULGENCEdivulgence n. The act of divulging.
divulgence n. Something that is divulged.
DIVULGENCE n. the act of divulging.
EIGENVALUEeigenvalue n. (Linear algebra) A scalar, λ, such that there exists a non-zero vector 𝑥 (a corresponding eigenvector)…
EIGENVALUE n. a mathematical term relating to solutions of an equation.
ELUVIATINGeluviating v. Present participle of eluviate.
ELUVIATE v. to undergo a transfer of materials in the soil.
ENVAULTINGenvaulting v. Present participle of envault.
ENVAULT v. to enclose in a vault.
EVALUATINGevaluating v. Present participle of evaluate.
EVALUATE v. to estimate the value of.
EVULGATINGevulgating v. Present participle of evulgate.
EVULGATE v. to divulge; to publish.
GERUNDIVALgerundival adj. (Grammar) Pertaining to the gerundive form of a word.
GERUNDIVAL adj. relating to a gerundive, also GERUNDIAL.
LONGAEVOUSlongaevous adj. Alternative form of longevous.
LONGAEVOUS adj. long-lived, also LONGEVOUS.
OVERRULINGoverruling v. Present participle of overrule.
overruling n. The situation where something is overruled.
OVERRULING n. the act of overruling.
PREVALUINGPREVALUE v. to value beforehand.
REVENGEFULrevengeful adj. Vengeful, vindictive.
REVENGEFUL adj. full of or prone to revenge.
SURVEILINGsurveiling v. Present participle of surveil.
SURVEIL v. to watch closely, also SURVEILLE.
UNDIVULGEDundivulged adj. Not divulged; not disclosed.
UNDIVULGED adj. not divulged.
UNLEVELINGunleveling v. Present participle of unlevel.
UNLEVEL v. to make uneven or no longer level.
UNRAVELINGunraveling v. (American spelling) present participle of unravel.
UNRAVEL v. to separate the threads of.
UNVEILINGSunveilings n. Plural of unveiling.
UNVEILING n. the act of unveiling.
VENGEFULLYvengefully adv. In a vengeful manner; vindictively, or done in vengeance.
VENGEFUL adv. seeking to avenge, also AVENGEFUL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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