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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing E, G, 2I, O and U

AUDIOGENICaudiogenic adj. Produced by sound.
AUDIOGENIC adj. caused by sound waves, esp. of high frequency.
COURIERINGcouriering v. Present participle of courier.
COURIER v. to deliver by courier.
DIGONEUTICdigoneutic adj. (Entomology) Having two broods per season.
DIGONEUTIC adj. breeding twice a year.
EPILOGUINGepiloguing v. Present participle of epilogue.
EPILOGUE v. to supply with a concluding section.
EPILOGUISEEPILOGUISE v. to speak or write an epilogue, also EPILOGUIZE.
EPILOGUIZEepiloguize v. Alternative form of epilogize.
EPILOGUIZE v. to speak or write an epilogue, also EPILOGUISE.
EULOGISINGeulogising v. Present participle of eulogise.
EULOGISE v. to extol, also EULOGIZE.
EULOGISTICeulogistic adj. Conveying praise or admiration, as in a eulogy.
EULOGISTIC adj. of or like a eulogy, also EULOGISTICAL.
EULOGIZINGeulogizing v. Present participle of eulogize.
EULOGIZE v. to extol, also EULOGISE.
GUILLOTINEguillotine n. (Historical, also figuratively) A machine used for the application of capital punishment by decapitation…
guillotine n. (By extension).
guillotine v. To use a guillotine (on someone or something).
GULOSITIESGULOSITY n. (archaic) enormous appetite; greediness.
INDIGENOUSindigenous adj. Born or originating in, native to a land or region, especially before an intrusion.
indigenous adj. Innate, inborn.
Indigenous adj. Alternative letter-case form of indigenous (“native, relating to the native inhabitants of a land”).
OLIGURESISOLIGURESIS n. scantiness of urine in proportion to liquid intake, also OLIGURIA.
OLIGURETICOLIGURETIC adj. relating to oliguresis, scantiness of urine in proportion to liquid intake.
PERIGONIUMperigonium n. (Botany) The sterile parts of a flower; collectively, the sepals and petals (or tepals); the perianth.
perigonium n. (Botany) The modified leaves around the antheridia in a bryophytic plant.
perigonium n. (Dated, zoology) The wall of the sporosac in a hydroid.
RUBIGINOSErubiginose adj. (Botany) Having the appearance or colour of iron rust; rusty-looking.
RUBIGINOSE adj. rust-coloured, also RUBIGINOUS.
RUGOSITIESrugosities n. Plural of rugosity.
RUGOSITY n. the state of being rugose, having wrinkles.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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