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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 9 ten-letter words containing E, F, L, M and 2R

ELYTRIFORMelytriform adj. (Zoology) Having the form or structure of an elytron.
ELYTRIFORM adj. having the form, or structure, of an elytron.
FORMALISERformaliser n. Alternative form of formalizer.
FORMALISER n. one who formalises, also FORMALIZER.
FORMALITERFORMALITER adv. (Latin) formally or in respect of the formal element.
FORMALIZERformalizer n. One who or that which formalizes.
FORMALIZER n. one who formalizes, also FORMALISER.
LETTERFORMletterform n. The shape of an individual letter.
letterform n. The design and development of such shapes.
LETTERFORM n. the shape of a letter of the alphabet from the point of view of design.
PLATFORMERplatformer n. (Video games, informal) A platform game.
PLATFORMER n. a platform game, a type of computer game that is played by moving a figure on the screen through a series of obstacles and problems.
REFORMABLEreformable adj. That can be reformed.
REFORMABLE adj. capable of being reformed.
REMORSEFULremorseful adj. (Of a person) Feeling or filled with remorse.
remorseful adj. Expressing or caused by remorse.
REMORSEFUL adj. motivated or marked by remorse.
SALVERFORMsalverform adj. Shaped like a salver.
SALVERFORM adj. of a corolla, having a long tube with terminal petals spread out flat.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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