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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing E, F, 2I, N and V

AFFINITIVEaffinitive adj. Closely connected, as by affinity.
AFFINITIVE adj. closely connected, as by affinity.
DEFINITIVEdefinitive adj. Explicitly defined.
definitive adj. Conclusive or decisive.
definitive adj. Definite, authoritative and complete.
DIVINIFIEDdivinified v. Simple past tense and past participle of divinify.
DIVINIFY v. to treat as divine, also DIVINIZE, DIVINISE.
DIVINIFIESdivinifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of divinify.
DIVINIFY v. to treat as divine, also DIVINIZE, DIVINISE.
FIVEFINGERfive-finger n. Alternative form of five finger.
five␣finger n. Pseudopanax arboreus, a New Zealand tree with compound leaves with five to seven ’fingers’ and thick…
FIVEFINGER n. a name for various plants, cinquefoil etc.
FREEDIVINGfreediving n. Alternative spelling of free-diving.
free-diving n. Any of various aquatic disciplines in which divers attempt to stay underwater without breathing apparatus…
free␣diving n. Alternative spelling of free-diving.
INFINITIVEinfinitive n. (Grammar) The infinitive mood or mode (a grammatical mood).
infinitive n. (Grammar) A non-finite verb form considered neutral with respect to inflection; depending on language…
infinitive n. (Grammar) A verbal noun formed from the infinitive of a verb.
INFLECTIVEinflective adj. (Grammar) Inflectional; characterized by variation, or change in form, to mark case, tense, etc.; subject…
inflective adj. Capable of, or relating to, inflection; deflecting.
INFLECTIVE adj. capable of, or pertaining to, inflection.
INFLICTIVEinflictive adj. Of, pertaining to or causing infliction.
INFLICTIVE adj. causing infliction; acting as an infliction.
LIFESAVINGlifesaving adj. (Uncommon) Alternative form of life-saving.
lifesaving n. The act of saving a life, especially from drowning.
life-saving adj. Preserving life; preventing death.
UNVERIFIEDunverified adj. Not (yet) confirmed; not verified.
UNVERIFIED adj. not verified.
VERBIFYINGverbifying v. Present participle of verbify.
VERBIFY v. to use as a verb.
VERSIFYINGversifying v. Present participle of versify.
versifying n. A composition in verse.
VERSIFY v. to change from prose into metrical form.
VIEWFINDERviewfinder n. A device on a camera that shows what will appear in the field of view of the lens; it helps the user…
VIEWFINDER n. a device on a camera for showing the area of the subject to be included in the picture.
VINIFEROUSviniferous adj. Yielding wine.
VINIFEROUS adj. wine-producing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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