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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing E, F, 2I, L and P

AMPLIFIERSamplifiers n. Plural of amplifier.
AMPLIFIER n. a device for making sound louder.
FIELDPIECEfieldpiece n. A mobile artillery piece, i.e. gun or howitzer, for use in the field.
FIELDPIECE n. a cannon or piece of artillery used in the field of battle.
FIELDSTRIPfieldstrip v. Alternative form of field strip.
field␣strip v. (Transitive) To dismantle (a weapon) for cleaning, oiling or repair; to disassemble (a firearm) to the…
field␣strip v. (Transitive) To take apart (a cigarette butt) for the purpose of reducing litter.
FILLIPEENSfillipeens n. Plural of fillipeen.
FILLIPEEN n. (US) a game in which each of two players eats a twin kernel of a nut, also PHILIPPINA, PHILIPPINE, PHILOPENA, PHILOPOENA.
FISSIPEDALfissipedal adj. (Zoology) Being or relating to a fissiped.
FISSIPEDAL adj. having toes that are separated from one another, as dogs, cats, bears, and similar carnivores.
LAPIDIFIEDlapidified v. Simple past tense and past participle of lapidify.
LAPIDIFY v. to turn to stone.
LAPIDIFIESlapidifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of lapidify.
LAPIDIFY v. to turn to stone.
PACIFIABLEpacifiable adj. Capable of being pacified.
PACIFIABLE adj. capable of being pacified.
PILFERINGSpilferings n. Plural of pilfering.
PILFERING n. petty theft.
PILIFEROUSpiliferous adj. Containing or producing hair.
PILIFEROUS adj. bearing or growing hair.
PITIFULLERpitifuller adj. Comparative form of pitiful: more pitiful.
PITIFUL adj. arousing pity, also PITEOUS.
PLEBIFYINGplebifying v. Present participle of plebify.
PLEBIFY v. to lower to vulgar standards.
SIMPLIFIEDsimplified adj. Made more simple; having its complexity reduced.
simplified adj. Relating to simplified Chinese.
simplified v. Simple past tense and past participle of simplify.
SIMPLIFIERsimplifier n. Agent noun of simplify; one who simplifies.
SIMPLIFIER n. something that simplifies.
SIMPLIFIESsimplifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of simplify.
SIMPLIFY v. to make simple.
SPECIFICALspecifical adj. Synonym of specific.
SPECIFICAL adj. for a particular purpose, also SPECIFIC.
SPIFLICATEspiflicate v. (Transitive, obsolete) To confound, silence or dumbfound.
spiflicate v. (Transitive, Provincial, obsolete) To beat severely.
spiflicate v. (Transitive, slang, obsolete) To stifle, suffocate, kill.
SPOILFIVESSPOILFIVE n. a certain game at cards in which, if no player wins three of the five tricks possible on any deal, the game is said to be spoiled.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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