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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing E, F, H, L, R and T

EARTHFALLSearthfalls n. Plural of earthfall.
EARTHFALL n. a landslide.
FATHERLANDfatherland n. The country of one’s ancestors.
fatherland n. The country of one’s birth, origin.
FATHERLAND n. the native land or country of one's father or ancestors.
FATHERLESSfatherless adj. Without a (living) father.
fatherless adj. (Figurative) Without a known author or inventor.
FATHERLESS adj. without a father.
FATHERLIERFATHERLY adj. like a father.
FATHERLIKEfatherlike adj. Having the qualities of a father.
FATHERLIKE adj. like a father.
FIRELIGHTSfirelights n. Plural of firelight.
FIRELIGHT n. the light of a (usually domestic) fire.
FLATSHARESflatshares n. Plural of flatshare.
FLATSHARE n. an arrangement whereby a flat is shared.
FLAUGHTERSflaughters n. Plural of flaughter.
FLAUGHTER v. (Scots) to cut turfs.
FLICHTEREDFLICHTER v. (Scots) to flutter and quiver.
FLYCATCHERflycatcher n. Any of many kinds of birds, of the families Muscicapidae (in Europe and Asia) and Tyrannidae (in the…
fly-catcher n. Alternative form of flycatcher.
FLYCATCHER n. one of numerous species of birds that feed upon insects, which they take on the wing.
FLYPITCHERfly-pitcher n. An illicit street trader; one who engages in fly-pitching.
FLYPITCHER n. one who runs a flypitch, a market stall for which an operator has no licence.
FORECLOTHSforecloths n. Plural of forecloth.
FORECLOTH n. a cloth that hangs over the front of an altar.
LEECHCRAFTleechcraft n. (Historical) The art or practice of healing or medicine.
leechcraft n. The skill or expertise of a physician, medical knowledge; medical attendance.
LEECHCRAFT n. (archaic) the art of healing.
OVERFLIGHToverflight n. The flight of an aircraft over a particular place; used especially to refer to a flight over foreign…
OVERFLIGHT n. a passage over an area in an aircraft.
PITCHERFULpitcherful n. The quantity that a pitcher can hold.
PITCHERFUL n. the quantity a pitcher will hold.
PREFLIGHTSpreflights n. Plural of preflight.
PREFLIGHT v. to inspect an aircraft before flight.
SHOPLIFTERshoplifter n. A person who shoplifts, one who steals from shops.
SHOPLIFTER n. one who shoplifts.
THRIFTLESSthriftless adj. Wastefully reckless in the use of money or resources.
thriftless adj. Not thriving.
THRIFTLESS adj. lacking usefulness or worth.
ULTRAFICHEultrafiche n. An ultramicrofiche.
ULTRAFICHE n. a sheet of microfilm the same size as a microfiche but with a greater number of microcopied records on it.
UNFATHERLYunfatherly adj. Not fatherly; unpaternal.
UNFATHERLY adj. not fatherly.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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