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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing E, F, G, 2R and U

AFTERGUARDafterguard n. (Historical, nautical) The seaman or seamen stationed on the poop or after part of a ship, to attend the after-sails.
afterguard n. (Sailing) The members of a yacht’s crew who attend to the aft sails.
afterguard n. A drudge; somebody tasked with menial work.
BEEFBURGERbeefburger n. (Food) Synonym of hamburger (a cooked ground beef sandwich).
beefburger n. (Food) Synonym of hamburger (a ground beef patty).
beefburger n. (Food) Synonym of hamburger (ground beef).
DISFIGURERdisfigurer n. One who disfigures.
DISFIGURER n. one who disfigures.
FIGUREWORKfigurework n. Decorative figures.
figurework n. Arithmetic; mathematics done with figures.
FIGUREWORK n. counting or calculation using numbers.
FIREGUARDSfireguards n. Plural of fireguard.
fire␣guards n. Plural of fire guard.
FIREGUARD n. a protective wire frame or railing in front of a fire.
FISHBURGERfishburger n. A burger made with fish instead of beef.
FISHBURGER n. a hamburger made with fish.
FOREGROUNDforeground n. The elements of an image which lie closest to the picture plane.
foreground n. The subject of an image, often depicted at the bottom in a two-dimensional work.
foreground n. (Computing, often attributive) The application the user is currently interacting with; the application…
FOURRAGEREfourragere n. Alternative form of fourragère.
fourragère n. A braided cord awarded to a military unit for distinguished service and worn on the left shoulder.
FOURRAGERE n. a braided cord worn round the left shoulder, esp. as a military decoration.
FRUGIVORESfrugivores n. Plural of frugivore.
FRUGIVORE n. an animal which primarily eats fruit.
FURTHERINGfurthering v. Present participle of further.
furthering n. The act by which something is furthered; furtherance.
FURTHER v. to help forward.
GRAPEFRUITgrapefruit n. The tree of the species Citrus paradisi, a hybrid of pomelo (Citrus maxima) and sweet orange.
grapefruit n. The large spherical tart fruit produced by this tree.
GRAPEFRUIT n. a large, round, yellow-skinned citrus fruit, so called because it grows in large bunches like grapes.
PREFIGUREDprefigured v. Simple past tense and past participle of prefigure.
PREFIGURE v. to imagine beforehand; to foreshadow.
PREFIGURESprefigures v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of prefigure.
PREFIGURE v. to imagine beforehand; to foreshadow.
REFIGURINGrefiguring v. Present participle of refigure.
REFIGURE v. to figure again.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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