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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing E, F, G, 2I and U

DISFIGUREDdisfigured v. Simple past tense and past participle of disfigure.
DISFIGURE v. to spoil the appearance of.
DISFIGURERdisfigurer n. One who disfigures.
DISFIGURER n. one who disfigures.
DISFIGURESdisfigures v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of disfigure.
DISFIGURE v. to spoil the appearance of.
FIGURATIVEfigurative adj. Of use as a metaphor, simile, metonym or other figure of speech, as opposed to literal; using figures;…
figurative adj. Metaphorically so called.
figurative adj. With many figures of speech.
FUGACITIESfugacities n. Plural of fugacity.
FUGACITY n. lack of enduring qualities.
FUGITIVELYfugitively adv. In a fugitive manner.
FUGITIVE adv. fleeing.
FUNGICIDESfungicides n. Plural of fungicide.
FUNGICIDE n. an agent that kills fungi.
LIQUEFYINGliquefying v. Present participle of liquefy; alternative spelling of liquifying.
LIQUEFY v. to make or become liquid, also LIQUIFY.
PINGUEFIEDpinguefied v. Simple past tense and past participle of pinguefy.
PINGUEFY v. to become or make fat or greasy; to make rich.
PINGUEFIESpinguefies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pinguefy.
PINGUEFY v. to become or make fat or greasy; to make rich.
REFIGURINGrefiguring v. Present participle of refigure.
REFIGURE v. to figure again.
REINFUSINGreinfusing v. Present participle of reinfuse.
REINFUSE v. to infuse again.
REUNIFYINGreunifying v. Present participle of reunify.
REUNIFY v. to unify again.
SANGUIFIEDsanguified v. Simple past tense and past participle of sanguify.
SANGUIFY v. to make blood.
SANGUIFIESsanguifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of sanguify.
SANGUIFY v. to make blood.
SURFEITINGsurfeiting v. Present participle of surfeit.
surfeiting n. An overindulgence in food and drink.
SURFEITING n. feeding or filling to satiety or disgust.
UNDEIFYINGundeifying v. Present participle of undeify.
UNDEIFY v. to deprive of the nature of a god.
UNEDIFYINGunedifying adj. Not edifying.
unedifying adj. Ungraceful, usually due to a clash of expectations or disparity of knowledge.
UNEDIFYING adj. not edifying.
UNFEIGNINGunfeigning adj. Not feigning; genuine; sincere.
UNFEIGNING adj. not feigning.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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