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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 9 ten-letter words containing E, F, G, 2I and O

EIGHTFOILSeightfoils n. Plural of eightfoil.
EIGHTFOIL n. an eight-leaved flower.
FIBRINOGENfibrinogen n. A protein that in humans plays a part in the forming of clots.
FIBRINOGEN n. a soluble protein, a globulin, in blood plasma, converted to fibrin by the action of the enzyme thrombin when blood clots.
FLORIGENICflorigenic adj. (Botany) Promoting flowering or the formation of flowers.
FLORIGENIC adj. relating to florigen, a postulated flower-forming hormone.
FLORILEGIAflorilegia n. Plural of florilegium.
FLORILEGIUM n. (Latin) a collection of literary pieces; an anthology.
FOREIGNISMforeignism n. A trait, custom, phrase or characteristic typical of a foreign country or language.
FOREIGNISM n. anything peculiar to a foreign language or people; a foreign idiom or custom.
FORFEITINGforfeiting v. Present participle of forfeit.
forfeiting n. The act by which something is forfeited or surrendered; a giving up.
FORFEIT v. to lose the right to by fault or penalty.
GLORIFIERSglorifiers n. Plural of glorifier.
GLORIFIER n. one who glorifies.
INFEOFFINGinfeoffing v. Present participle of infeoff.
INFEOFF v. to invest with a feudal property, also ENFEOFF.
OFFICERINGofficering v. Present participle of officer.
OFFICER v. to command or lead.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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