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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing 2E, N, 2R and Z

BRAZENRIESbrazenries n. Plural of brazenry.
BRAZENRY n. effrontery.
ENERGIZERSenergizers n. Plural of energizer.
ENERGIZER n. something that energizes, also ENERGISER.
FRATERNIZEfraternize v. (Intransitive) To associate with others in a brotherly or friendly manner.
fraternize v. (Intransitive) To associate as friends with an enemy, in violation of duty.
fraternize v. (Intransitive) To have an intimate or sexual relationship with a forbidden member of the opposite sex;…
GAZUNDERERGAZUNDERER n. one who gazunders.
GRANGERIZEgrangerize v. (Intransitive) To illustrate (a book) with material such as images taken from other published sources…
grangerize v. (Transitive) To illustrate with material taken from published sources.
grangerize v. (Transitive) To remove material, especially images, from a publication.
MODERNIZERmodernizer n. An advocate of modernization.
MODERNIZER n. one who modernizes, also MODERNISER.
RECOGNIZERrecognizer n. A person, device, or software algorithm that recognizes.
REENERGIZEreenergize v. (Transitive) To energize again or anew.
REENERGIZE v. to give new energy to, also REENERGISE.
REFREEZINGrefreezing v. Present participle of refreeze.
REFREEZE v. to freeze again.
REORGANIZEreorganize v. (Transitive) to organize something again, or in a different manner.
reorganize v. (Intransitive) to undergo a reorganization.
re-organize v. Alternative form of reorganize.
SERMONIZERsermonizer n. A preacher; one who delivers sermons.
SERMONIZER n. one who sermonizes, also SERMONISER.
TENDERIZERtenderizer n. (Biochemistry) Any substance added to meat before cooking in order to make it more tender, especially…
tenderizer n. A form of mallet used to beat meat before cooking.
TENDERIZER n. a pounding instrument or substance that tenderises meat, also TENDERISER.
UNDERPRIZEunderprize v. (Transitive) To undervalue; to underestimate.
UNDERPRIZE v. to value too little.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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