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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing 2E, 2M and 2N

AMENDMENTSamendments n. Plural of amendment.
AMENDMENT n. a change, a correction.
BENUMBMENTbenumbment n. The act of benumbing, or state of being benumbed; torpor.
BENUMBMENT n. the state of being benumbed.
EMBANKMENTembankment n. A long mound of earth, stone, or similar material, usually built for purposes such as to hold back or…
EMBANKMENT n. a raised structure (as of earth or gravel) used esp. to hold back water or to carry a roadway.
ENCAMPMENTencampment n. A campsite.
encampment n. A group of temporary living quarters and/or other temporary structures.
Encampment prop.n. (Astronomy) a Chinese constellation located near Pegasus, one of the 28 lunar mansions and part of the…
ENJAMBMENTenjambment n. A technique in poetry whereby a sentence is carried over to the next line without pause.
ENJAMBMENT n. (French) the continuation of a sentence from one line of a couplet to the next, also ENJAMBEMENT.
ENMESHMENTenmeshment n. The state of being enmeshed; entanglement.
ENMESHMENT n. the state of being enmeshed.
ENTOMBMENTentombment n. The act of entombing or the state of being entombed.
entombment n. The decommissioning of a radioactive site by encasing it in concrete.
ENTOMBMENT n. the act of entombing.
IMMANENCESimmanences n. Plural of immanence.
IMMANENCE n. the state of being immanent, also IMMANENCY.
IMMINENCESimminences n. Plural of imminence.
IMMINENCE n. the quality of being imminent, also IMMINENCY.
MACHINEMENmachinemen n. Plural of machineman.
MACHINEMAN n. a person who oversees the working of a machine.
MANAGEMENTmanagement n. (Uncountable) Administration; the use of limited resources combined with forecasting, planning, leadership…
management n. The executives of an organisation, especially senior executives.
management n. (Uncountable) Judicious use of means to accomplish an end.
MANGEMANGEmangemange n. (New Zealand) The fern Lygodium articulatum.
MANGEMANGE n. (Maori) a climbing fern of the North Island of New Zealand.
MENOMINEESMenominees n. Plural of Menominee.
MENOMINEE n. a small whitefish found in the northern US and Canada, also MENOMINI.
MINGLEMENTminglement n. The act of mingling, or the state of being mixed.
MINGLEMENT n. the act of mingling, or the state of being mixed.
MONUMENTEDmonumented v. Simple past tense and past participle of monument.
monumented adj. Marked by the positioning of a monument, often in the form of a small stone or concrete structure.
MONUMENT v. to mark with a monument.
NONMEMBERSnonmembers n. Plural of nonmember.
non-members n. Plural of non-member.
NONMEMBER n. one who is not a member.
REMANDMENTremandment n. A remand.
REMANDMENT n. the act of remanding.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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