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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing 2E, 2L and 2O

BOOKSELLERbookseller n. A person engaged in the business of selling books.
bookseller n. A business that sells books.
BOOKSELLER n. one that sells books.
CELLOBIOSEcellobiose n. (Biochemistry) A disaccharide, found mainly as a repeat unit in cellulose, in which two glucose units…
CELLOBIOSE n. a disaccharide obtained by hydrolysis of cellulose, also CELLOSE.
COCOZELLEScocozelles n. Plural of cocozelle.
COCOZELLE n. a variety of squash.
COLEOPTILEcoleoptile n. (Botany) A pointed sheath that protects the emerging shoot in monocotyledons such as oats and grasses.
COLEOPTILE n. the first leaf in grasses and monocotyledons, a protecting plumule.
DOLESOMELYdolesomely adv. In a dolesome manner.
DOLESOME adv. doleful, dismal.
GOOGLEABLEgoogleable adj. (Informal) Able to be searched for or found using Google or another similar internet search engine.
Googleable adj. Alternative spelling of googleable.
LETROZOLESletrozoles n. Plural of letrozole.
LETROZOLE n. an antioestrogen drug used in the treatment of breast cancer in postmenopausal women.
LODGEPOLESlodgepoles n. Plural of lodgepole.
lodge␣poles n. Plural of lodge pole.
LODGEPOLE n. a pole used in the construction of a Native American lodge.
LONESOMELYlonesomely adv. In a lonesome manner, in a way missing companionship.
LONESOME adv. lonely.
MELLOPHONEmellophone n. A brass instrument frequently used in place of the French horn in marching bands and similar performance groups.
MELLOPHONE n. a brass wind instrument resembling the French horn.
NONCOLLEGEnoncollege adj. Not of or pertaining to a college.
noncollege n. An institution that is not a college.
NONCOLLEGE adj. not associated with a college.
OBSOLETELYobsoletely adv. When out of date or no longer in use.
obsoletely adv. (Biology) Imperfectly or indistinctly developed.
OBSOLETE adv. outmoded.
PELOLOGIESPELOLOGY n. study of mud and its curative effects.
POLLENOSESpollenoses n. Plural of pollenosis.
POLLENOSIS n. allergic reaction to pollen; hay-fever, also POLLINOSIS.
SELENOLOGYselenology n. (Astronomy) The scientific study of the Moon.
SELENOLOGY n. the study of the moon.
SPELEOLOGYspeleology n. The scientific study of caves.
speleology n. The recreational activity of exploring caves.
SPELEOLOGY n. the study and exploration of caves, also SPELAEOLOGY.
TELEOLOGICteleologic adj. Of, or relating to teleology; teleological.
TELEOLOGIC adj. exhibiting or relating to design or purpose esp. in nature, also TELEOLOGICAL.
TROLLOPEEStrollopees n. Plural of trollopee.
TROLLOPEE n. (historical) a kind of loose dress for women.
YOKEFELLOWyokefellow n. A companion; a fellow labourer, a person who works at the same task as another.
yokefellow n. (Now rare, historical) Someone joined in marriage to another; a spouse.
YOKEFELLOW n. a mate; a fellow; esp. a partner in marriage.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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