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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing 2E, 2L, M and P

COMPELLERScompellers n. Plural of compeller.
COMPELLER n. one who compels.
COMPLETELYcompletely adv. (Manner) In a complete manner.
completely adv. (Degree) To the fullest extent or degree; totally.
COMPLETE adv. having all necessary parts.
EMPANELLEDempanelled v. Simple past tense and past participle of empanel.
EMPANEL v. to select a jury from a list, also IMPANEL, IMPANNEL.
EMPLOYABLEemployable adj. (Especially of a person) Able to be employed.
employable n. A person who is fit for employment.
EMPLOYABLE adj. that can be employed.
IMPANELLEDimpanelled v. Simple past tense and past participle of impanel.
IMPANEL v. to put onto a list for jury duty, also IMPANNEL.
IMPELLENTSimpellents n. Plural of impellent.
IMPELLENT n. something with the quality of impelling.
IMPERILLEDimperilled v. Simple past tense and past participle of imperil; alternative spelling of imperiled.
IMPERIL v. to put in danger, also PERIL.
MELLOPHONEmellophone n. A brass instrument frequently used in place of the French horn in marching bands and similar performance groups.
MELLOPHONE n. a brass wind instrument resembling the French horn.
MILLEPEDESmillepedes n. Misspelling of millipedes.
MILLEPEDE n. a myriapod with many legs, also MILLEPED, MILLIPED, MILLIPEDE.
MILLEPORESmillepores n. Plural of millepore.
MILLEPORE n. any of a group or order of colonial hydrozoans.
MILLIPEDESmillipedes n. Plural of millipede.
MILLIPEDE n. a myriapod with many legs, also MILLEPED, MILLEPEDE, MILLIPED.
MISSPELLEDmisspelled adj. Not spelled correctly.
misspelled v. Simple past tense and past participle of misspell.
mis-spelled v. Simple past tense and past participle of mis-spell.
PEPPERMILLpeppermill n. Alternative form of pepper mill.
pepper␣mill n. A small handheld grinder containing a supply of peppercorns for grinding fresh at the table or in the kitchen.
pepper␣mill n. (Historical, slang) The Curta, a cylindrical hand-held mechanical calculator invented in the 1930s.
PERMILLAGEpermillage n. The amount, number or rate of something, regarded as part of a total of 1000.
PERMILLAGE n. reckoning by the thousand.
PHELLODERMphelloderm n. (Botany) The innermost parenchymatous tissue of the periderm of some plants.
PHELLODERM n. a layer of green parenchymatous cells formed on the inner side of the phellogen, the tissue of young cells which produces cork cells.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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