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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing 2E, 2I, O and V

BIODIVERSEbiodiverse adj. Biotically diverse; having a high degree of biodiversity.
BIODIVERSE adj. of an environment, having many different kinds of plants and animals.
DEPOSITIVEdepositive adj. Involving or relating to the process of depositing.
depositive adj. (Medicine) Describing a condition in which lymph is exuded into the derma, forming papules.
DEPOSITIVE adj. relating to deposition.
ENVISIONEDenvisioned v. Simple past tense and past participle of envision.
ENVISION v. to visualize, also ENVISAGE.
EXPLOITIVEexploitive adj. Exploitative: taking advantage of someone.
EXPLOITIVE adj. serving to exploit, also EXPLOITATIVE.
EXPOSITIVEexpositive adj. That explains; expository.
EXPOSITIVE adj. serving to explain.
INCOHESIVEincohesive adj. Not cohesive.
INCOHESIVE adj. lacking in unity; not fitting together smoothly.
OLIVENITESolivenites n. Plural of olivenite.
OLIVENITE n. an olive-green hydrous arseniate of copper.
OVERWILIEROVERWILY adj. excessively wily.
REENVISIONreenvision v. (Transitive) To envision again or anew.
SOVIETISEDSovietised v. Simple past tense and past participle of Sovietise.
SOVIETISE v. to transform to the soviet model, also SOVIETIZE.
SOVIETISESSovietises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of Sovietise.
SOVIETISE v. to transform to the soviet model, also SOVIETIZE.
SOVIETIZEDSovietized v. Simple past tense and past participle of Sovietize.
SOVIETIZE v. to transform to the soviet model, also SOVIETISE.
SOVIETIZESSovietizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of Sovietize.
SOVIETIZE v. to transform to the soviet model, also SOVIETISE.
TELEVISIONtelevision n. (Uncountable) An electronic communication medium that allows the transmission of real-time visual images…
television n. (Countable) A device for receiving television signals and displaying them in visual form.
television n. (Uncountable) Collectively, the programs broadcast via the medium of television.
VELOCITIESvelocities n. Plural of velocity.
VELOCITY n. rapidity of motion.
VENOSITIESvenosities n. Plural of venosity.
VENOSITY n. the state of being venous, pertaining to the veins.
VIDEOGENICvideogenic adj. Looking good on video.
VIDEOPHILEvideophile n. A connoisseur of video, particularly one who values high-definition and otherwise high-quality video.
videophile n. A fan of video games.
VIDEOPHILE n. a lover of videos.
VIREONINESVIREONINE n. a bird of the vireo family.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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