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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing 2E, G, H, M and R

CHEMURGIESchemurgies n. Plural of chemurgy.
CHEMURGY n. a branch of applied chemistry.
ENRHEUMINGenrheuming v. Present participle of enrheum.
ENRHEUM v. (obsolete) to contract a rheum, a cold.
GEOTHERMALgeothermal adj. Pertaining to heat energy extracted from reservoirs in the earth’s interior.
GEOTHERMAL adj. relating to the internal heat of the earth, also GEOTHERMIC.
GEOTHERMICgeothermic adj. Geothermal.
GEOTHERMIC adj. related to the internal heat of the earth, also GEOTHERMAL.
GERMAPHOBEgermaphobe n. Alternative form of germophobe.
GERMOPHOBEgermophobe n. One who suffers from germophobia.
HATEMONGERhatemonger n. A person who encourages hatred towards a person or group of people.
HEMORRHAGEhemorrhage n. A heavy release of blood within or from the body.
hemorrhage n. (Figurative) A sudden or significant loss.
hemorrhage v. (Intransitive) To bleed copiously.
HERMITAGEShermitages n. Plural of hermitage.
HERMITAGE n. a hermit's abode.
HETEROGAMYheterogamy n. (Biology) The state of conjugating gametes that are different in size, structure and function.
heterogamy n. (Sociology) Marriage or similar union between people of different sexes, or social strata, such as races.
HETEROGAMY n. the process of fertilization in plants by an indirect or circuitous method.
HYGROMETERhygrometer n. (Meteorology) An instrument that measures the humidity of the air or other gases, especially the relative humidity.
HYGROMETER n. an instrument for measuring air moisture.
LIGHTERMENlightermen n. Plural of lighterman.
LIGHTERMAN n. a person employed on, or who manages, a lighter.
MEGATHERESmegatheres n. Plural of megathere.
MEGATHERE n. any of various gigantic extinct American sloths.
PESHMERGASpeshmergas n. Plural of peshmerga.
PESHMERGA n. the military forces of the autonomous region of Iraqi Kurdistan.
SCHMEERINGschmeering v. Present participle of schmeer.
SCHMEER v. (Yiddish) to flatter or bribe, also SCHMEAR, SHMEAR, SHMEER.
THEREAMONGthereamong adv. (Formal) Among that or those.
THEREAMONG adv. among that or those.
WHEATGERMSwheatgerms n. Plural of wheatgerm.
WHEATGERM n. the vitamin-rich embryo of the wheat kernel.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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