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There are 20 ten-letter words containing 2E, F, N and 2T

BENEFITTEDbenefitted v. Alternative form of benefited.
BENEFIT v. to obtain an advantage.
ENFETTEREDenfettered v. Simple past tense and past participle of enfetter.
ENFETTER v. (Shakespeare) to bind with chains or shackles.
FATTENABLEfattenable adj. (Rare) Able to be fattened.
FATTENABLE adj. capable of being fattened.
FENESTRATEfenestrate adj. Fenestrated.
fenestrate adj. Having numerous openings; irregularly reticulated.
fenestrate adj. (Zoology, botany) Having transparent spots, like the wings of certain butterflies.
FERVENTESTferventest adj. Superlative form of fervent: most fervent.
FERVENT adj. hot, glowing, zealous.
FESTINATEDfestinated v. Simple past tense and past participle of festinate.
FESTINATE v. to hasten.
FESTINATESfestinates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of festinate.
FESTINATE v. to hasten.
FETTUCCINEfettuccine n. Long, flat ribbons of pasta, cut from a rolled-out sheet; identical in form to tagliatelle.
FETTUCCINE n. (Italian) a pasta made in long ribbons, also FETTUCINE, FETTUCINI.
FETTUCINESFETTUCINE n. (Italian) a pasta made in long ribbons, also FETTUCCINE, FETTUCINI.
FIFTEENTHSfifteenths n. Plural of fifteenth.
FIFTEENTH n. one of fifteen equal parts.
FLATTENERSflatteners n. Plural of flattener.
FLATTENER n. something that makes flat.
FOURTEENTHfourteenth adj. The ordinal form of the number fourteen.
fourteenth n. The person or thing in the fourteenth position.
fourteenth n. One of fourteen equal parts of a whole.
FRUTESCENTfrutescent adj. Imperfectly resembling a shrub.
FRUTESCENT adj. like or resembling a shrub.
INFEFTMENTinfeftment n. Alternative form of enfeoffment.
infeftment n. (Rare) exit.
INFEFTMENT n. in Scots law, the act of giving legal possession of feudal property.
OFTENTIMESoftentimes adv. (Chiefly US) (elsewhere, archaic) Frequently; often.
often␣times adv. (Nonstandard, proscribed) Misspelling of oftentimes.
OFTENTIMES adv. often, repeatedly, also OFTTIMES.
REFITMENTSrefitments n. Plural of refitment.
REFITMENT n. the act of refitting, or the state of being refitted.
TENDERFEETtenderfeet n. Plural of tenderfoot.
TENDERFOOT n. a newcomer in a comparatively rough or newly settled region.
TENDERFOOTtenderfoot n. (Chiefly North America) An inexperienced person; a novice.
tenderfoot n. (Historical) A newcomer or arriviste to the region in the American frontier (Old West and Wild West).
tenderfoot n. (Dated) A Boy Scout of the lowest rank.
UNFETTEREDunfettered v. Simple past tense and past participle of unfetter.
unfettered adj. Not bound by chains or shackles.
unfettered adj. (By extension) Not restricted.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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