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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing 3E, G, H and S

BESEECHINGbeseeching v. Present participle of beseech.
beseeching n. A heartfelt plea.
BESEECHING n. the act of imploring.
ESCHEATAGEescheatage n. The right of succeeding to an escheat.
ESCHEATAGE n. the right of succeeding to an escheat.
GEARWHEELSgearwheels n. Plural of gearwheel.
gear-wheels n. Plural of gear-wheel.
gear␣wheels n. Plural of gear wheel.
GEHLENITESgehlenites n. Plural of gehlenite.
GEHLENITE n. a mineral, calcium aluminum silicate.
GENTEELISHgenteelish adj. Somewhat genteel.
GENTEELISH adj. somewhat genteel.
GEOSPHERESgeospheres n. Plural of geosphere.
GEOSPHERE n. the solid part of the earth, as opposed to atmosphere and hydrosphere.
GREEDHEADSgreedheads n. Plural of greedhead.
GREEDHEAD n. (Canadian) an avaricious person.
GREENHEADSgreenheads n. Plural of greenhead.
GREENHEAD n. a male mallard.
GREENHOUSEgreenhouse n. A building used to grow plants, particularly one with large glass windows or plastic sheeting to trap…
greenhouse n. (UK military slang, dated) The glass of a plane’s cockpit.
greenhouse n. (Medicine) A structure that shields the operating table to protect against bacteria.
HEGEMONIEShegemonies n. Plural of hegemony.
HEGEMONY n. (Greek) leadership.
HEGUMENIESHEGUMENY n. the office of hegumen, the head of a monastery.
HUGENESSEShugenesses n. Plural of hugeness.
HUGENESS n. the quality of being huge.
MEGATHERESmegatheres n. Plural of megathere.
MEGATHERE n. any of various gigantic extinct American sloths.
REPECHAGESrepechages n. Plural of repechage.
repêchages n. Plural of repêchage.
REPECHAGE n. (French) a supplementary heat or competition giving eliminated competitors the chance of competing again to reach the final.
SHAGREENEDshagreened adj. Covered in shagreen.
shagreened adj. Having a rough surface similar to that of shagreen.
SHAGREENED adj. made, covered with or resembling the leather called shagreen.
SHEBEENINGshebeening v. Present participle of shebeen.
SHEBEENING n. keeping in a shebeen.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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