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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing 3E, F, M and R

AFFEERMENTaffeerment n. (Obsolete, law) The act of affeering or assessing an amercement, according to the circumstances of the case.
AFFEERMENT n. the act of affeering.
BEFORETIMEbeforetime adv. (Archaic) Formerly, previously.
BEFORETIME adv. (archaic) formerly.
BUMFREEZERbumfreezer n. (Slang) an Eton jacket or other similar short jacket.
BUMFREEZER n. a short jacket.
DEFERMENTSdeferments n. Plural of deferment.
DEFERMENT n. the act of deferring.
DEMIRELIEFdemirelief n. (Art) demi-rilievo.
DEMIRELIEF n. carving in which the depth of the relief is halfway between that of high relief and low relief.
ENFREEDOMSenfreedoms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of enfreedom.
ENFREEDOM v. (Shakespeare) to set free, also ENFREE.
ENSERFMENTenserfment n. The act or process of enserfing; enslavement.
ENSERFMENT n. the state of being made a serf.
FARMERETTEfarmerette n. (US, historical) A member of the Woman’s Land Army of America.
FARMERETTE n. a woman who is a farmer or a farmhand.
FEMETARIESFEMETARY n. a plant once used to treat scurvy, also FUMITORY, FEMITER, FENITAR.
FERMENTERSfermenters n. Plural of fermenter.
FERMENTER n. an agent that causes fermentation, also FERMENTOR.
FERMENTIVEfermentive adj. Exhibiting or relating to fermentation.
FERMENTIVE adj. relating to fermentation.
FREEDWOMENfreedwomen n. Plural of freedwoman.
FREEDWOMAN n. a woman freed from slavery.
FREMESCENTfremescent adj. (Poetic) Becoming murmurous; roaring.
FREMESCENT adj. growling or muttering.
PREFERMENTpreferment n. (Now historical) Prior claim (on payment, or on purchasing something); the first rights to obtain a…
preferment n. (Obsolete) The fact of being pushed or advanced to a more favourable situation; furtherance, promotion…
preferment n. Advancement to a higher position or office; promotion.
REFERENDUMreferendum n. (Politics) A direct popular vote on a proposed law or constitutional amendment. The adposition on is…
referendum n. An action, choice, etc., which is perceived as passing judgment on another matter.
REFERENDUM n. (Latin) the process or principle of referring an important political question to the nation as a whole.
REFINEMENTrefinement n. The act, or the result of refining; the removal of impurities, or a purified material.
refinement n. High-class style; cultivation.
refinement n. A fine or subtle distinction.
REFUGEEISMrefugeeism n. The state of being a refugee.
REFUGEEISM n. the state of being a refugee.
SWIMFEEDERSWIMFEEDER n. a device containing bait, attached to the line to ensure the gradual baiting of the swim from under the surface.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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