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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing 4E, G and S

DEGREELESSdegreeless adj. Without an academic degree.
DEGREELESS adj. without a degree.
DELEGATEESdelegatees n. Plural of delegatee.
DELEGATEE n. one to whom something is delegated.
EMERGENCESemergences n. Plural of emergence.
EMERGENCE n. the act of emerging.
EPEXEGESESepexegeses n. Plural of epexegesis.
EPEXEGESIS n. additional explanation.
EPEXEGESISepexegesis n. (Rhetoric) An additional explanation or explanatory material.
EPEXEGESIS n. additional explanation.
EPIGENESESepigeneses n. Plural of epigenesis.
EPIGENESIS n. the theory of embryonic development.
EVERGREENSevergreens n. Plural of evergreen.
evergreens v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of evergreen.
EVERGREEN n. a tree or shrub that is green throughout the year.
GENTEELESTgenteelest adj. Superlative form of genteel: most genteel.
GENTEEL adj. well-bred or refined.
GENTEELISEGENTEELISE v. to make genteel or falsely refined, also GENTEELIZE.
GREENERIESgreeneries n. Plural of greenery.
GREENERY n. green vegetation.
GREENWEEDSgreenweeds n. Plural of greenweed.
GREENWEED n. a name given to certain half-shrubby species of Genista.
NEOGENESESneogeneses n. Plural of neogenesis.
NEOGENESIS n. the regeneration of tissue.
PERIEGESESperiegeses n. Plural of periegesis.
PERIEGESIS n. a description in the manner of a tour; a journey through.
REENERGISEreenergise v. Alternative form of reenergize.
REENERGISE v. to give new energy to, also REENERGIZE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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