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There are 19 words containing E, R, T and 2Z

TERRAZZOterrazzo n. (Architecture) A faux-marble material used for flooring and countertops.
TERRAZZO n. (Italian) a flooring of marble chips set in mortar and then polished.
FRIZZANTEfrizzante adj. (Of wines) Lightly sparkling.
frizzante n. A lightly sparkling wine.
FRIZZANTE adj. (Italian) of wine, sparkling.
FRIZZIESTfrizziest adj. Superlative form of frizzy: most frizzy.
FRIZZY adj. of hair, tightly curled.
TERRAZZOSterrazzos n. Plural of terrazzo.
TERRAZZO n. (Italian) a flooring of marble chips set in mortar and then polished.
DRIZZLIESTdrizzliest adj. Superlative form of drizzly: most drizzly.
DRIZZLY adj. marked by light rain.
FRIZZLIESTfrizzliest adj. Superlative form of frizzly: most frizzly.
FRIZZLY adj. of hair, tightly curled, also FRIZZY.
GRIZZLIESTgrizzliest adj. Superlative form of grizzly: most grizzly.
GRIZZLY adj. greyish.
INTERMEZZIintermezzi n. Plural of intermezzo; Alternative form of intermezzos.
INTERMEZZO n. (Italian) a short connecting instrumental movement in an opera or other musical work.
INTERMEZZOintermezzo n. (Music, art) A short piece of music or act in the interval of the main spectacle; a theatrical interlude.
intermezzo n. (Food) A palate cleanser; a small snack with a bright light neutral taste; a fruit; a fresh sparkling…
intermezzo n. (Chess) A tactical move which interrupts the execution of the current plan.
TETRAZZINItetrazzini n. An American dish usually including a non-red meat and a white sauce over spaghetti or some similar pasta.
TETRAZZINI n. noodles, mushrooms, almonds, in a cream sauce topped with cheese.
INTERMEZZOSintermezzos n. Plural of intermezzo.
INTERMEZZO n. (Italian) a short connecting instrumental movement in an opera or other musical work.
MEZZOTINTERmezzotinter n. One who engraves in mezzotint.
MEZZOTINTER n. one who works in mezzotint.
STALKERAZZIstalkerazzi n. (Derogatory) Paparazzi who violate their targets’ privacy in the manner of stalkers.
STALKERAZZOSorry, definition not available.
BLIZZARDIESTBLIZZARDY adj. like a blizzard.
MEZZOTINTERSmezzotinters n. Plural of mezzotinter.
MEZZOTINTER n. one who works in mezzotint.
RAZZMATAZZESrazzmatazzes n. Plural of razzmatazz.
RAZZMATAZZ n. a to-do, a hullabaloo, also RAZMATAZ, RAZZAMATAZZ.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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