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There are 18 words containing E, H, 2P and V

OVERHAPPYoverhappy adj. Exceedingly happy.
OVERHAPPY adj. exceedingly happy.
OVERHAPPIEROVERHAPPY adj. exceedingly happy.
APPREHENSIVEapprehensive adj. Anticipating something with anxiety, fear, or doubt.
apprehensive adj. (Obsolete) Perceptive; quick to learn; capable of understanding using one’s intellect.
APPREHENSIVE adj. fearful.
EVAPOROGRAPHevaporograph n. A device that uses evaporation to create a visible image from infrared.
EVAPOROGRAPH n. a device giving direct or photographic images of objects in darkness by focusing infrared radiations from them onto an oil-film.
OVERHAPPIESTOVERHAPPY adj. exceedingly happy.
EVAPOROGRAPHSevaporographs n. Plural of evaporograph.
EVAPOROGRAPH n. a device giving direct or photographic images of objects in darkness by focusing infrared radiations from them onto an oil-film.
PHOTOPOSITIVEphotopositive adj. (Biology) having a positive phototropic or phototactic response; attracted by light.
PHOTOPOSITIVE adj. exhibiting positive phototropism or phototaxis.
APPREHENSIVELYapprehensively adv. In an apprehensive manner; with apprehension.
APPREHENSIVE adv. fearful.
HYPERDEVELOPEDhyperdeveloped adj. Developed to a very high degree.
INAPPREHENSIVEinapprehensive adj. Not apprehensive; regardless; unconcerned.
INAPPREHENSIVE adj. not apprehensive.
PHOTORECEPTIVEphotoreceptive adj. (Biology) Absorbing and using light, especially for sensory purposes.
PHOTORECEPTIVE adj. relating to photoreception.
SUPERVISORSHIPsupervisorship n. The post or office of supervisor.
SUPERVISORSHIP n. the office of supervisor.
UNAPPREHENSIVEunapprehensive adj. Not apprehending.
UNAPPREHENSIVE adj. not apprehensive.
HYPERPRODUCTIVEhyperproductive adj. Exceptionally productive.
HYPERRESPONSIVEhyperresponsive adj. Involving an abnormally high degree of responsiveness.
HYPERRESPONSIVE adj. excessively responsive.
MISAPPREHENSIVEmisapprehensive adj. Of or pertaining to misapprehension.
MISAPPREHENSIVE adj. having the nature of a misapprehension.
PHOSPHORYLATIVEphosphorylative adj. Relating to phosphorylation.
PHOSPHORYLATIVE adj. of or like phosphorylate.
SUPERVISORSHIPSsupervisorships n. Plural of supervisorship.
SUPERVISORSHIP n. the office of supervisor.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 336 words
  • Scrabble in French: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 32 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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