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There are 17 words containing E, F, K, O and Y

COCKNEYFICATIONcockneyfication n. The use of cockney words or mannerisms, especially by non-cockneys.
COCKNEYFICATION n. the process of cockneyfying.
COCKNEYFIEDcockneyfied v. Simple past tense and past participle of cockneyfy.
COCKNEYFY v. to make (an accent) cockney, also COCKNIFY.
COCKNEYFIEScockneyfies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of cockneyfy.
COCKNEYFY v. to make (an accent) cockney, also COCKNIFY.
COCKNEYFYcockneyfy v. (Transitive) To make cockney; to vulgarize.
COCKNEYFY v. to make (an accent) cockney, also COCKNIFY.
COCKNEYFYINGcockneyfying v. Present participle of cockneyfy.
COCKNEYFY v. to make (an accent) cockney, also COCKNIFY.
FACTORYLIKEfactorylike adj. Resembling a factory in any of various respects.
FACTORYLIKE adj. like a factory.
FLUNKEYDOMflunkeydom n. The state of a being a flunkey.
FLUNKEYDOM n. the world of flunkeys.
FLUNKEYDOMSFLUNKEYDOM n. the world of flunkeys.
FOREKNOWINGLYforeknowingly adv. With foreknowledge.
FOREKNOWING adv. FOREKNOW, to know beforehand.
FORKEDLYforkedly adv. In a forked shape or pattern.
FORKED adv. FORK, to work with a pronged implement.
FORSAKENLYforsakenly adv. In a deserted manner; by itself; alone.
forsakenly adv. (Rare) helplessly.
FORSAKEN adv. FORSAKE, to quit or leave entirely.
KEFALOTYRIkefalotyri n. A Greek cheese similar to parmesan.
KEFALOTYRISSorry, definition not available.
KERFLOOEYkerflooey adj. (US, slang) kaput.
KERFLOOEY adj. into a state of destruction or malfunction.
OFFKEYoffkey adv. In an off-key manner.
off-key adj. (Music) Pitched inaccurately either above or below the correct note.
off-key adj. (By extension) Not harmonious, or out of accord.
YOKEFELLOWyokefellow n. A companion; a fellow labourer, a person who works at the same task as another.
yokefellow n. (Now rare, historical) Someone joined in marriage to another; a spouse.
YOKEFELLOW n. a mate; a fellow; esp. a partner in marriage.
YOKEFELLOWSyokefellows n. Plural of yokefellow.
YOKEFELLOW n. a mate; a fellow; esp. a partner in marriage.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 445 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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