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There are 20 words containing E, 2F, P and T

COFFEEPOTcoffeepot n. Alternative spelling of coffee pot.
coffee-pot n. Alternative form of coffee pot.
coffee␣pot n. A tall pot in which coffee is brewed or served.
COFFEEPOTScoffeepots n. Plural of coffeepot.
coffee-pots n. Plural of coffee-pot.
coffee␣pots n. Plural of coffee pot.
HYPEREFFICIENThyperefficient adj. Extremely efficient.
HYPEREFFICIENT adj. excessively efficient.
OFFPRINTEDoffprinted v. Simple past tense and past participle of offprint.
OFFPRINT v. to reprint an excerpt.
PANTOFFLEpantoffle n. An ancient overshoe.
PANTOFFLE n. a slipper, an overshoe, also PANTABLE, PANTOFLE, PANTOUFLE.
PANTOFFLESpantoffles n. Plural of pantoffle.
PANTOFFLE n. a slipper, an overshoe, also PANTABLE, PANTOFLE, PANTOUFLE.
PARAFFINIESTPARAFFINY adj. of or like paraffin.
PIKESTAFFpikestaff n. The wooden shaft of a pike.
pikestaff n. A staff with a spike in the lower end, to guard against slipping.
PIKESTAFF n. the staff, or shaft, of a pike.
PIKESTAFFSpikestaffs n. Plural of pikestaff.
PIKESTAFF n. the staff, or shaft, of a pike.
PLUFFIESTPLUFFY adj. puffed up, puffy.
POUFFIESTpouffiest adj. Superlative form of pouffy: most pouffy.
POUFFY adj. like a pouf, a loose roll of hair.
PUFFIESTpuffiest adj. Superlative form of puffy: most puffy.
PUFFY adj. swollen.
SPIFFIESTspiffiest adj. Superlative form of spiffy: most spiffy.
SPIFFY adj. excellent.
SPIFFLICATEspifflicate v. Alternative spelling of spiflicate.
SPIFFLICATE v. to overcome or dispose of by violence, also SPIFLICATE.
SPIFFLICATEDspifflicated v. Simple past tense and past participle of spifflicate.
SPIFFLICATE v. to overcome or dispose of by violence, also SPIFLICATE.
SPIFFLICATESspifflicates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of spifflicate.
SPIFFLICATE v. to overcome or dispose of by violence, also SPIFLICATE.
SUPEREFFECTIVEsupereffective adj. Particularly effective.
SUPEREFFECTIVE adj. extremely effective.
SUPEREFFICIENTsuperefficient adj. Very efficient.
SUPEREFFICIENT adj. extremely efficient.
WAFFLESTOMPERwafflestomper n. Alternative form of waffle stomper.
waffle-stomper n. Alternative form of waffle stomper.
waffle␣stomper n. (Footwear, informal) A type of heavy hiking boot with ridged soles.
WAFFLESTOMPERSwafflestompers n. Plural of wafflestomper.
waffle-stompers n. Plural of waffle-stomper.
waffle␣stompers n. Plural of waffle stomper.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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