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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing E, M, 2O and V

COMBOVERScombovers n. Plural of combover.
comb-overs n. Plural of comb-over.
COMBOVER n. a vain attempt to make the most of one's dwindling resources of hair.
COMEOVERScomeovers n. Plural of comeover.
come-overs n. Plural of come-over.
COMEOVER n. a person who has come from Britain to the Isle of Man to settle.
FOVEIFORMfoveiform adj. Resembling a fovea.
FOVEIFORM adj. shaped like a small pit.
MOUSEOVERmouseover n. (Computing) The event of an on-screen pointer being over an on-screen shape.
mouse-over n. Alternative spelling of mouseover.
mouse␣over v. (Computing) To move a computer mouse pointer over (an element of the display).
MOVIEDOMSMOVIEDOM n. the world of the movies.
MOVIEGOERmoviegoer n. (Chiefly North American) Person who regularly frequents movie theaters.
movie-goer n. Alternative form of moviegoer.
MOVIEGOER n. one who goes to the movies.
MOVIEOKESMOVIEOKE n. an entertainment in which people act out scenes from movies that are silently playing in the background.
MOVIEOLASMOVIEOLA n. (tradename) a brand of film-editing machine, also MOVIOLA.
NOVELDOMSNOVELDOM n. the world of fiction.
OMNIVORESomnivores n. Plural of omnivore.
OMNIVORE n. an omnivorous person or animal, one that feeds on both animal and vegetable food.
OUTVENOMSoutvenoms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outvenom.
OUTVENOM v. (Shakespeare) to exceed in venom.
OVERCOMERovercomer n. One who overcomes.
OVERCOMER n. one who overcomes.
OVERCOMESovercomes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overcome.
OVERCOME v. to get the better of.
OVEREMOTEoveremote v. To display emotion excessive for the situation.
OVEREMOTE v. to emote excessively.
OVERGLOOMovergloom v. To spread gloom over; to make gloomy; to overshadow.
OVERGLOOM v. to cover with gloom.
OVERMOUNTovermount v. (Transitive) To mount over; to go higher than; to rise above.
overmount n. A piece of shaped cardboard used to prevent the glass of the frame from lying too closely upon an engraving…
OVERMOUNT v. to rise above.
OVERSMOKEoversmoke v. (Transitive) To smoke (Bees, food being cured, etc.) excessively.
oversmoke v. (Intransitive) To smoke too much tobacco.
OVERSMOKE v. to smoke excessively.
PROMOTIVEpromotive adj. Tending to promote.
PROMOTIVE adj. tending to advance, promote, or encourage.
VELODROMEvelodrome n. An indoor arena, having an oval banked track for bicycle racing.
VELODROME n. an area for cycling races.
VOORKAMERvoorkamer n. (South Africa) voorhuis.
VOORKAMER n. (South African) a front room, esp. of a farmhouse.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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