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There are 14 nine-letter words containing E, 2M, R and Z

IMMUNIZERimmunizer n. One who immunizes.
IMMUNIZER n. one that renders immune from infection, also IMMUNISER.
KLEZMORIMklezmorim n. Plural of klezmer.
KLEZMER n. (Yiddish) a style of music, part Jewish, part big-band.
MARMALIZEmarmalize v. (Informal, Britain) To thrash.
marmalize v. (Informal, Britain) To defeat decisively.
MARMALIZE v. (slang) to beat soundly, also MARMALISE, MARMELISE, MARMELIZE.
MARMARIZEMARMARIZE v. to convert limestone into marble, also MARMARISE.
MARMELIZEmarmelize v. Alternative form of marmalize.
MARMELIZE v. (slang) to thrash, defeat heavily, also MARMALISE, MARMALIZE, MARMELISE.
MAXIMIZERmaximizer n. A person who or thing that maximizes.
maximizer n. (Linguistics) An amplifier that strongly intensifies the meaning, more so than a booster.
MAXIMIZER n. one who maximizes, also MAXIMISER.
MEMORIZEDmemorized v. Simple past tense and past participle of memorize.
MEMORIZE v. to commit to memory, also MEMORISE.
MEMORIZERmemorizer n. One who, or that which, memorizes.
MEMORIZER n. one who memorizes, also MEMORISER.
MEMORIZESmemorizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of memorize.
MEMORIZE v. to commit to memory, also MEMORISE.
MESMERIZEmesmerize v. To exercise mesmerism on; to affect another person, such as to heal or soothe, through the use of animal magnetism.
mesmerize v. To spellbind; to enthrall.
MESMERIZE v. to hypnotize, spellbind, also MESMERISE.
MEZEREUMSmezereums n. Plural of mezereum.
MEZEREUM n. (Arabic) an early-flowering woodland shrub with fragrant purplish or rose-coloured flowers, also MEZEREON.
MINIMIZERminimizer n. That which minimizes.
minimizer n. (Linguistics) A word or phrase referring to a very small quantity of something, used to reinforce a negative sentence.
MINIMIZER n. one who minimizes, also MINIMISER.
SUMMARIZEsummarize v. (Transitive, intransitive) To prepare a summary of (something).
summarize v. (Transitive, intransitive) To give a recapitulation of the salient facts; to recapitulate or review.
SUMMARIZE v. to make a summary of, also SUMMARISE.
ZYMOMETERzymometer n. An instrument for ascertaining the degree of fermentation occasioned by the mixture of different liquids…
ZYMOMETER n. an instrument for measuring fermentation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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