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There are 19 nine-letter words containing E, 2M, P and T

EMMETROPEemmetrope n. A person with emmetropia, perfect vision.
EMMETROPE n. a person showing emmetropia, correct refraction of light by the eyes.
EMPLECTUMemplectum n. Alternative form of emplecton.
EMPLECTUM n. (archaic) ashlar masonry filled up with rubble, also EMPLECTON.
EMPYEMATAempyemata n. Plural of empyema.
EMPYEMA n. (Greek) a collection of pus in a body cavity.
IMPLEMENTimplement v. To bring about; to put into practice; to carry out.
implement n. A tool or instrument for working with.
IMPLEMENT v. to put into practice.
IMPOSTUMEimpostume n. (Obsolete) An abscess.
impostume v. (Obsolete) Alternative form of imposthume.
IMPOSTUME n. (archaic) an abscess, also IMPOSTHUME.
MEPHITISMmephitism n. Alternative form of mephitis.
MEPHITISM n. poisoning by mephitis.
METAPLASMmetaplasm n. (Linguistics) Any change in a word made by altering its letters or sounds.
metaplasm n. (Biology) A small particle (often nutrient) within a cell.
METAPLASM n. the alteration of a word by adding, subtracting, or transposing letters or syllables e.g. saying 'relator' for 'realtor'.
METOPISMSmetopisms n. Plural of metopism.
METOPISM n. the condition of having a frontal suture.
MISTEMPERmistemper v. To temper ill; to disorder.
MISTEMPER v. (obsolete) to temper ill; to disorder.
PANTOMIMEpantomime n. (Now rare) A Classical comic actor, especially one who works mainly through gesture and mime.
pantomime n. (Historical) The drama in ancient Greece and Rome featuring such performers; or (later) any of various…
pantomime n. (UK) A traditional theatrical entertainment, originally based on the commedia dell’arte, but later aimed…
PLUMMETEDplummeted v. Simple past tense and past participle of plummet.
PLUMMET v. to drop straight down.
PLUMMIESTplummiest adj. Superlative form of plummy: most plummy.
PLUMMY adj. full of plums.
POMATUMEDpomatumed v. Simple past tense and past participle of pomatum.
POMATUM v. to apply a kind of ointment to the hair, also POMADE.
PRESUMMITpresummit adj. Before a summit.
PRESUMMIT adj. preceding a (political) summit.
PRESUMMIT n. a meeting held prior to a summit.
PRIMETIMEprimetime adj. Alternative form of prime time.
prime-time adj. Alternative spelling of prime time.
prime␣time n. (Television, radio) The block of programming on television during the middle of the evening, usually…
PSAMMITESpsammites n. Plural of psammite.
PSAMMITE n. a fine-grained rock.
SPAMMIESTspammiest adj. Superlative form of spammy: most spammy.
SPAMMY adj. bland, unexciting.
TEMAZEPAMtemazepam n. (Pharmacology) A compound (trademark Restoril) of the benzodiazepine class used as a tranquilizer and…
TEMAZEPAM n. a drug used to treat insomnia.
TIMESTAMPtimestamp n. (Computing) A variable containing the date and time at which an event occurred, often included in a…
timestamp v. (Transitive, computing) To record the date and time of (an event, etc).
time-stamp n. Alternative spelling of timestamp.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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