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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing E, L, S, X and Y

ACETOXYLSacetoxyls n. Plural of acetoxyl.
ACETOXYL n. a univalent radical.
ASEXUALLYasexually adv. In an asexual manner; without having sex.
ASEXUAL adv. of reproduction, involving only one parent; it usually produces genetically identical offspring.
DYSLEXIASdyslexias n. Plural of dyslexia.
DYSLEXIA n. impairment of the ability to read.
DYSLEXICSdyslexics n. Plural of dyslexic.
DYSLEXIC n. one suffering from dyslexia, also DYSLECTIC.
EXCLUSORYexclusory adj. Having the power or the function of excluding.
exclusory adj. Tending to exclude.
EXCLUSORY adj. acting or tending to exclude.
EXCUSABLYexcusably adv. In an excusable manner or to an excusable degree.
EXCUSABLE adv. that can be excused.
EXPRESSLYexpressly adv. In an express or explicit manner.
expressly adv. Exclusively.
EXPRESS adv. explicit, clearly stated.
HEXASTYLEhexastyle adj. (Architecture) having six columns at the front on the portico.
hexastyle n. (Architecture) A temple or portico with six columns in front.
HEXASTYLE adj. having six columns in front.
HEXYLENEShexylenes n. Plural of hexylene.
HEXYLENE n. a colorless, liquid hydrocarbon of the ethylene series, also HEXENE.
METHOXYLSMETHOXYL n. a compound containing a certain chemical group, also METHOXY.
OXYPHILESOXYPHILE n. an organism that thrives on an acid environment, also OXYPHIL.
PYROXYLESpyroxyles n. Plural of pyroxyle.
PYROXYLE n. a nitrocellulose.
SEXLESSLYsexlessly adv. In a sexless manner, or in a way that lacks sex appeal.
SEXLESS adv. lacking sexual characteristics.
SEXUALITYsexuality n. The quality of being sexual; that which is characterized or distinguished by sex.
sexuality n. Sexual activity; concern with, or interest in, sexual activity.
sexuality n. Sexual potency.
XYLIDINESxylidines n. Plural of xylidine.
XYLIDINE n. any one of six metameric hydrocarbons related to xylene, also XYLIDIN.
XYLONITESxylonites n. Plural of xylonite.
XYLONITE n. a non-thermosetting plastic of the nitrocellulose type, also ZYLONITE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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