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There are 18 nine-letter words containing E, 2L, O and Z

ALLOZYMESallozymes n. Plural of allozyme.
ALLOZYME n. a different form of an enzyme coded by the same allele.
BULLDOZEDbulldozed v. Simple past tense and past participle of bulldoze.
BULLDOZE v. to override objections.
BULLDOZERbulldozer n. A tractor with an attached blade for pushing earth and building debris for coarse preliminary surface…
bulldozer n. One who bulldozes.
bulldozer n. (Historical, chiefly in the plural) A member of a self-identified group of white US Southerners who…
BULLDOZESbulldozes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bulldoze.
BULLDOZE v. to override objections.
COCOZELLEcocozelle n. A variety of squash with dark green skin mottled by lighter green or yellow.
COCOZELLE n. a variety of squash.
DOLLARIZEdollarize v. (Intransitive) To undergo dollarization; to start using the dollar as currency.
dollarize v. (Transitive) To convert to dollars.
DOLLARIZE v. to replace a country's currency with the US dollar, also DOLLARISE.
GLOBALIZEglobalize v. (Transitive) to make something global in scope.
GLOBALIZE v. to make global, also GLOBALISE.
LETROZOLEletrozole n. (Pharmacology) A nonsteroidal aromatase inhibitor C17H11N5 (trademark Femara) that is administered orally…
LETROZOLE n. an antioestrogen drug used in the treatment of breast cancer in postmenopausal women.
LOCALIZEDlocalized adj. Limited to a particular area; in a local vicinity only.
localized adj. Having undergone localization.
localized v. Simple past tense and past participle of localize.
LOCALIZERlocalizer n. (Computing, translation studies) A person who localizes (adapts a product for use in a particular country…
localizer n. (Aviation) The component of an instrument landing system that provides runway centerline guidance to…
LOCALIZER n. one who localises, also LOCALISER.
LOCALIZESlocalizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of localize.
LOCALIZE v. to confine or limit to a certain place, also LOCALISE.
MANZELLOSmanzellos n. Plural of manzello.
MANZELLO n. a musical instrument like the soprano saxophone.
PILLORIZEpillorize v. (Transitive) To set in, or punish with, the pillory.
PILLORIZE v. to pillory, also PILLORISE.
POLLINIZEpollinize v. Alternative form of pollenize.
POLLINIZE v. to pollinate, also POLLINISE.
POWELLIZEpowellize v. (Transitive) To preserve (wood) by saturating it with a solution of beet sugar and then drying it with…
POWELLIZE v. to season and preserve timbers by soaking them in a saccharine solution, also POWELLISE.
SYLLOGIZEsyllogize v. (Intransitive) To reason by means of syllogisms.
syllogize v. (Transitive) To deduce consequences from.
SYLLOGIZE v. to reason by syllogisms, also SYLLOGISE.
ZEALOUSLYzealously adv. Like a zealot; with zealotry.
ZEALOUS adv. filled with zeal.
ZOOGLOEALzoogloeal adj. Of or relating to the zoogloea.
ZOOGLOEAL adj. of or like a zoogloea, a mucilaginous mass of bacteria, also ZOOGLOEIC, ZOOGLOEOID.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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