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There are 20 nine-letter words containing E, K, M, O and Y

CHROMAKEYchromakey n. (Television, film) The use of a particular colour (usually either green or blue) as a key in a TV studio…
chromakey v. (Transitive) To modify an image in this way.
chroma-key n. Alternative spelling of chromakey.
DONKEYMANdonkeyman n. (Nautical) The person in charge of a ship’s engine room.
DONKEYMAN n. a man with responsibilities in a ship's engine room.
DONKEYMENdonkeymen n. Plural of donkeyman.
DONKEYMAN n. a man with responsibilities in a ship's engine room.
HERKOGAMYherkogamy n. (Botany) Different relative positionings of the stigma and the anthers.
HERKOGAMY n. the prevention of self-pollination in plants, also HERCOGAMY.
IRKSOMELYirksomely adv. In an irksome manner; tediously.
IRKSOME adv. tending to irk.
JOCKEYISMjockeyism n. The practice or techniques of jockeys; the skill of riding a horse in a race.
JOCKEYISM n. the practice of jockeys.
KARYOSOMEkaryosome n. (Cytology) The chromatin material inside a cell nucleus when the cell is not undergoing mitotic division.
KARYOSOME n. a spherical aggregation of chromatin in a resting nucleus during mitosis.
KOUMYSSESKOUMYSS n. (Russian) a beverage made from camel's milk, also KOUMIS, KOUMISS, KOUMYS, KUMIS, KUMISS, KUMYS.
KRYOMETERkryometer n. Archaic form of cryometer.
KRYOMETER n. an instrument for measuring low temperatures, also CRYOMETER.
LEUKOTOMYleukotomy n. (Surgery) lobotomy.
LEUKOTOMY n. a surgical scission of the fibres between the frontal lobes of the brain and the thalamus to relieve cases of severe schizophrenia, also LEUCOTOMY.
MONKEYINGmonkeying v. Present participle of monkey.
MONKEY v. to mimic.
MONKEYISHmonkeyish adj. Like a monkey.
MONKEYISH adj. like a monkey.
MONKEYISMmonkeyism n. Tomfoolery; silly or foolish behaviour.
monkeyism n. (Derogatory, dated) The Darwinian theory of evolution.
MONKEYISM n. being like a monkey.
MONKEYPODmonkeypod n. Albizia saman, a flowering tree in the pea family, native to the neotropics.
monkeypod n. Couroupita nicaraguarensis (syn. Lecythis nicaraguarensis) (coco de mono).
monkeypod n. Lecythis ollaria (coco de mono).
MONKEYPOTmonkeypot n. Alternative form of monkey pot.
monkey␣pot n. Any of numerous tropical trees in the genus Lecythis, mostly with edible nuts.
MONKEYPOT n. the round-lidded outer shell of the sapucaia nut.
MONKEYPOXmonkeypox n. (Pathology) A viral disease, of primates and some other mammals, related to smallpox, caused by the Monkeypox virus.
monkey-pox n. Alternative form of monkeypox.
monkey␣pox n. Alternative form of monkeypox.
PYKNOSOMEpyknosome n. Alternative form of pycnosome.
PYKNOSOME n. the short or stocky type of human figure.
SOKEMANRYsokemanry n. Alternative form of socmanry.
SOKEMANRY n. tenure by socage, a feudal tenure of land involving payment of rent or other nonmilitary services to a superior.
TEKNONYMYteknonymy n. The cultural practice of referring to parents by the names of their children.
TEKNONYMY n. the naming of the parent after the child.
YOKEMATESyokemates n. Plural of yokemate.
YOKEMATE n. a working companion.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 98 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: 9 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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