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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing E, K, L, P and Y

FLYSPECKSflyspecks n. Plural of flyspeck.
FLYSPECK v. to mark with minute spots.
HARPYLIKEharpylike adj. Resembling a harpy; ravenous or shrewish.
HARPYLIKE adj. like a harpy.
HYPERLINKhyperlink n. Some text or a graphic in an electronic document that can be activated to display another document or…
hyperlink n. (By extension) The URL or other address that defines a hyperlink’s target or function.
hyperlink v. (Of a hypertext document) To point to another document by a hyperlink.
KALLITYPEkallitype n. An early photograph produced using an organic salt of iron, preferably the ferric oxalate.
KALLITYPE n. a former photographic process in which ferric salts are reduced to ferrous salts.
KALOTYPESkalotypes n. Plural of kalotype.
KALOTYPE n. (tradename) an early type of photography, also CALOTYPE.
LICKPENNYlickpenny n. (Obsolete) Something that devours or absorbs lots of money; something expensive.
lickpenny n. A miserly person.
lickpenny adj. (Obsolete) Expensive.
LUCKPENNYluck␣penny n. (Archaic) A small sum of money given back for luck when paying.
luck␣penny n. A coin carried or given for luck.
LUCKPENNY n. a coin kept for luck.
NYMPHLIKEnymphlike adj. Resembling a nymph.
NYMPHLIKE adj. like a nymph.
PALSYLIKEpalsylike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a palsy, especially shaking motions.
PALSYLIKE adj. like the palsy.
PECKISHLYpeckishly adv. In a peckish manner.
PECKISH adv. somewhat hungry.
PLAYMAKERplaymaker n. (Dated) A playwright.
playmaker n. (Sports) A sportsman who leads attacks for his team and creates chances to score.
PLAYMAKER n. a playwright.
PUPPYLIKEpuppylike adj. Resembling a puppy.
PUPPYLIKE adj. like a puppy.
PUTTYLIKEputtylike adj. Resembling putty or some aspect of it.
PUTTYLIKE adj. like putty.
SYLPHLIKEsylphlike adj. Resembling (that of) a sylph; slender and graceful.
SYLPHLIKE adj. like a sylph.
SYRUPLIKEsyruplike adj. Resembling syrup or some aspect of it.
SYRUPLIKE adj. like syrup.
UNKEMPTLYunkemptly adv. In an unkempt manner.
UNKEMPT adv. untidy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 60 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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