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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing E, 2I, O and W

BILLOWIERbillowier adj. Comparative form of billowy: more billowy.
BILLOWY adj. swelling.
MICROWIREmicrowire n. A very small diameter wire, especially one with a glass coating.
MICROWIRE n. a very strong, very fine filament of metal or other material.
MINITOWERminitower n. Alternative form of mini tower.
mini␣tower n. (Computing) A relatively small tower case for a computer system.
MINITOWER n. a computer in a small vertical cabinet.
PILLOWIERPILLOWY adj. like a pillow in form or feel.
RIGWOODIErigwoodie n. (Obsolete, Scotland) rope, chain, or band that crosses the saddle of a horse to support the attachment of a cart.
rigwoodie adj. (Obsolete, Scotland) Fit for the gallows.
RIGWOODIE n. (Scots) a carthorse's backband, also RIGWIDDIE.
VIEWPOINTviewpoint n. The position from which something is observed or considered.
viewpoint n. An angle, outlook or point of view.
view-point n. Alternative spelling of viewpoint.
WILLOWIERwillowier adj. Comparative form of willowy: more willowy.
WILLOWY adj. slender and graceful.
WINCOPIPEwincopipe n. (Dialect) The pimpernel flower, Anagallis arvensis.
WINCOPIPE n. (obsolete) a little red flower, probably the scarlet pimpernel.
WINDIGOESwindigoes n. Plural of windigo.
WINDIGO n. (Native American) a mythical monster among some North American Indian tribes, that eats human flesh, also WENDIGO.
WINDOWIERWINDOWY adj. like a window.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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